District 58 assessment results coming home Sept. 23

District 58 assessment results coming home Sept. 23

Dear District 58 families, 

As a district, one of our primary responsibilities is to ensure that each student is provided with opportunities for learning, for challenge and for growth.  In order to monitor that growth, we consider data from a variety of sources, including classroom assessments and teacher observation as well as standardized assessments that are nationally normed.  This balance helps us to ensure that we are capturing a broad set of data as we consider each individual student’s achievement over a period of time.

This fall, all students in grades K-8 were assessed in Reading and Mathematics using the NWEA-MAP assessment.  Depending on your child’s age and educational experience, they may have been assessed using AIMSWebPlus in either reading or mathematics. Additional, last spring, students took state assessments (again, depending on their age and educational experience) which may include the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) or the ACCESS assessment for English Learners. All of that assessment information is included with this letter.  Detailed information about these assessments, including explanations of sample results can be found on our website (www.dg58.org) under the “Academics” and “Assessments” tabs.  

While no one assessment captures everything about a student’s growth, ability or potential, we do believe that the information contained in these assessments is relevant and can help us ensure that your student continues to be appropriately challenged in their learning environment.   If you have any questions regarding this data you can contact your child’s teacher or principal, or you may contact me directly.  


Justin Sisul
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
630-719-5867 jsisul@dg58.org