Biweekly learning model update: Schools to remain open, Happy Halloween

Biweekly learning model update: Schools to remain open, Happy Halloween

Dear District 58 Staff and Families,

I hope this letter finds you well. On behalf of all of us in District 58, thank you for helping us make this month’s transition to a hybrid in-person learning model with a full remote option a success. The students and staff have done a great job with the transition, and we truly appreciate your flexibility, grace and patience. The District also recognizes that improvements can be made, and we are working with staff and administrators to listen to feedback and make adjustments accordingly. We will continue moving forward with our hybrid model with a full remote option.

As previously shared, District 58 considers a variety of factors when deciding whether schools can stay open, including county and local transmission levels; case and outbreak activity in our schools; and absenteeism among students and staff. We review data daily, and we meet weekly with the DuPage County Health Department. 

We will continue to monitor this situation and examine our criteria over multiple weeks. The District intends to provide an update to staff and families on the learning model every two weeks. Due to the ever-changing circumstances of the pandemic, the District continually assesses data and information as it becomes available. In general, we are in a two-week rolling timeframe, and we have just completed the first two weeks of the new model. At this time, staff and families should plan on the schools remaining open. If we need to shift to remote learning, our goal will be to provide staff and families with approximately one week’s notice, unless circumstances require us to close schools more quickly. 

The District also wishes families a Happy Halloween. Like all things, Halloween will certainly look different this year. We hope that families will enjoy Halloween in a safe manner. The District has taken safety precautions and protocols very seriously, and we are thankful that our families and staff have done the same. Our ability to provide in-person instruction relies directly on our community’s willingness to follow critical safety measures both in and out of school. Let’s continue to do so during Halloween and beyond so our schools can stay open.  

Please continue to practice the 3Ws:

  • Wear a mask 
  • Watch your distance (maintain 6 feet of social distancing)
  • Wash your hands frequently

Thank you in advance for being extra cautious this weekend. This is truly a community effort, and we are in this together.


Dr. Kevin B. Russell
Superintendent of Schools