Cultivating Talent: Maximizing the Potential of Students, Staff, Families




Team Leaders – Justin Sisul, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel & Staff Development;
Dr. Kevin Russell, Superintendent; Todd Drafall, Assistant Superintendent for Business Operations;


1. We will analyze and explore our existing and potential staffing practices and structures in order to achieve more equitable experiences for all students.

2. We will review, expand, and support equitable opportunities for students to explore and develop their individual talents.

3. Establish a culture that recognizes, celebrates, develops, and supports the talents that exist within the district to promote the retention of staff.

4. We will recruit and attract high-quality staff that are representative of the larger community (for all positions).

5. We will engage with the local community to enhance the student, staff, and school experience.

Objective 5.1: District 58 will analyze and explore our existing and potential staffing practices and structures in order to achieve more equitable experiences for all students.

Action Plans

  • Action 5.1a: Analyze current practices for alignment with best practice Review of current staffing practices
    • Review of current hiring processes
    • Criteria for determining building staffing needs
  • Action 5.1b: Ensure equitable instructional opportunities for all students
    • Increase transparency around staffing decisions
    • Articulate the clearly defined process for evaluating building needs and staff allocations
  • Action 5.1c: Determine the short- and long-term effectiveness of staffing practices Establish and articulate criteria for success
    • Ensure commonality of role expectations for service providers/roles across the district

Implementation Plan for the 23-24 school year

  • Re-formation of the Resources Review Council, initially including staff to meet regularly throughout the 2023-24 school year
  • The Resources Review Council will operate with detailed agendas that include the information needed to accomplish the above identified steps
  • The Assistant Superintendent for Personnel & Staff Development will be responsible for overseeing this objective and implementation plan.


Objective 5.2: District 58 will review, expand, and support equitable opportunities for students to explore and develop their individual talents.

Action Plans

  • Action 5.2a: Enhance student access to current academic programming districtwide
    • Analyze current criteria for gifted, accelerated math and interventions through a lens of equity and representation of various student populations
    • Articulate findings of review in order to share information with stakeholders and create a plan to increase access, if necessary
    • Determine process for review of student participation/access
  • Action 5.2b: Realign student access to extracurricular activities (i.e. athletics and clubs) to be in alignment with K-5 and 6-8 models.
    • Review current offerings for PreK-6 and 7-8 extracurriculars and which students are accessing and participating for equity and consistency
    • Develop plans for offerings that are equitable across all buildings
  • Action 5.2c: Determine funding goals of outside organizations (i.e. PTA, Education Foundation)
    • Review current contributions of outside organizations
    • Create guidelines for funding according to student need, equity and consistency

Implementation Plan for the 23-24 school year

  • The District Equity Leadership Team will focus on Action 5.2a and Action 5.2b, collaborating and sharing findings and guidance with the appropriate curricular committees.
  • The Assistant Superintendent of Personnel will work collaboratively with leadership of outside organizations and work with a representative group to address the steps in Action 5.2c.
  • The Assistant Superintendent for Personnel & Staff Development will be responsible for overseeing this objective and implementation plan.