Fairmount News
District 58’s elementary classroom teachers immersed themselves in science during...
The District 58 Board of Education held a regular business meeting on Monday, Dec. 9, 2...
As part of their social studies curriculum, Henry Puffer third graders collected everyd...
48 projects will advance to the regional Reflections competition We are checking the Di...
District 58 offered 113 unique learning sessions during Monday's Teacher Institute ...
Dear District 58 Parent, We wanted to share some information regarding our 2019-20 p...
39th Annual Science Fair will take place Jan. 25 at O’Neill Downers Grov...
The District 58 Board of Education held a Financial Workshop on Monday, Nov. 18 at El S...
District 58 is developing the 2020-21 school calendar and seeks parent input! In additi...
Henry Puffer hosted a special Veterans Day program on Friday! The school honored vets d...
All Green Apple donations will directly support District 58 students It’s a bu...
The District 58 Board of Education held a regular business meeting on Monday, Nov. 11, ...
American Legion Post 80 Commander and Marines Veteran Bruce Peiffer and Army Veteran Bo...
Henry Puffer Teacher Christine Reynolds and her third grade class decided to bring thei...
Belle Aire School honored veterans on Monday, Nov. 11 with an all-school Veterans Day C...
If inclement winter weather prompts District 58 to cancel school, the District will not...
Herrick welcomed Rep. Anne Stava-Murray this afternoon to serve as "Principal for ...
The annual Bonfield Express 5K fundraiser is Thanksgiving! Downers Grove Grade Schoo...
Herrick Middle School will present three performances of “Freaky Friday: The Musi...
The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) released its 2019 Illinois Report Card on ...
The District 58 Board of Education held a special meeting/curriculum workshop on Monday...
The Herrick PTA and Motivent will premiere the 2019 documentary, “Screenagers: Ne...