Fairmount News

Parent Teacher Conference graphic

Parent Teacher Conferences dates will be held in December, which is later in the year due to the transition to onsite hybrid instruction. Conferences will be conducted virtually via Zoom and parents can sign up via the parent portal in PowerSchool.

Communicate 58, a newsletter for parents and community partners, was published. It features photos of students from the first day of hybrid learning, a gallery of student artworks and information about our new math curriculum.

Dear District 58 Staff and Families, I have received a few questions from parents an...

Superintendent Dr. Kevin Russell

Dear District 58 Families, Today, the DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) release...

Board members

Board Briefs: Oct. 14, 2020

October 16, 2020

The District 58 Board of Education held a regular business meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 1...

We will be identifying today (Oct. 15) as the last day of Trimester 1 and providing a progress report instead of a report card to share information on learning standards and learner behaviors with families. This Progress Report will stand alone, and will not factor into future formal report cards in Trimester 2 and 3.

The District 58 Board of Education will hold a Regular Board Meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 14 at 7 p.m. at the Downers Grove Village Hall. Meeting topics including a brief presentation on the tax levy, approval of some contracts as well as other business.

Header of newsletter

The parent newsletter Communicate 58 was published. It has District updates, reminders about the move to hybrid learning and school news. Read more here.

Hybrid & Full Remote FAQs

October 3, 2020

District 58 will reopen schools beginning Oct. 20 with a Hybrid Plan and a Full Remote option. Please read more about the plan including Frequently Asked Questions.

Board of Education

The District 58 Board of Education held a special meeting and budget hearing on Monday, September 28, 2020. At the meeting, the Board approved moving to a Hybrid Model that includes onsite learning and also a remote option.

Superintendent Dr. Kevin Russell outlines Board's approval of Hybrid Option, which will begin Oct. 20. Families will also have option for Full Remote instruction.

Board Preview: Sept. 28, 2020

September 25, 2020

The District 58 Board of Education will hold a Special Meeting and Budget Hearing on Monday, September 28 at 7 p.m. Topics include the budget, draft of new policies, update on the Return to Learn plan and a recommendation for students to return to school onsite.

Communicate 58 published

September 24, 2020

Communicate 58, the newsletter for parents and community partners is now out. Read stories about your schools, District updates and more.

Curriculum Night will be virtual. District outlines plans for assessment, standards and report cards for Trimester 1.

This letter outlines our planning efforts in an attempt to bring students back to learning and seeks your feedback on options that best meet the needs of your family. The Board will consider the plan at its Sept. 28 meeting.

Board Briefs: Sept. 14, 2020

September 16, 2020

The District 58 Board of Education held a regular business meeting on Monday, September 14, 2020 at Herrick Middle School and via YouTube livestream. View the agenda and presentation links and access the meeting video. Highlights from the meeting include:

Downers Grove Grade School District 58 earned 12 awards combined in state and national communications contests. The District earned three awards from the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) and eight awards from the Illinois Chapter/National School Public Relations Association (INSPRA).

The District 58 Board of Education will meet Sept. 14 at 7 p.m. The meeting will cover, among many other topics, a presentation from the DuPage Regional Office of Education regarding educational equity in District 58 and a presentation on the Return to School Framework from the DuPage County Health Department.

Downers Grove Grade School District 58 will offer several free preschool and developmental screenings designed to identify young children who might have developmental delays and who would benefit from special education prior to beginning kindergarten.

Beginning Tuesday September 14, District 58 will again begin an updated program to provide all children who reside within the community, aged 18 and under, six free breakfasts and lunches with milk at a variety of locations each week. Families are welcome to pick up meals at any of the locations listed below.

After five years of planning and hundreds of hours in which volunteers constructed and installed the playground at Henry Puffer School, the structure was unveiled at a ribbon cutting Aug. 31.

Dr. Kevin Russell

Dr. Kevin Russell outlines expectations for privacy during Remote Learning and some new guidance from the DuPage County Health Department.

District 58 administrators will be holding a YouTube Live session for families regarding Remote Learning plans. The session will be held on the evening of Monday, Aug. 31 on the District’s YouTube Channel. There are three sessions for families with students in different grade levels.

The District 58 Board of Education held a special meeting and budget workshop on Monday, August 24, 2020. The meeting was live streamed to the public on the Village of Downers Grove YouTube channel.

The District published its 2020 Annual Report to the community this August. It features the many initiatives contained in the Strategic Plan: Focusing on Learning, Connecting the Community and Securing the Future.