Our School
Welcome to the El Sierra School website! El Sierra is a kindergarten through sixth grade school with an open concept. In addition to classroom instruction, we provide physical education, music, art, library, English as a Second Language, social work and special education services. Just like all District 58 schools, we have a strong focus on students using technology.
The teachers at El Sierra School are highly qualified, dedicated professionals. They work hard to ensure a very positive and supportive educational environment for the El Sierra children. We have an excellent curriculum for reading, math, writing, science, social studies, technology, art, physical education and music.
I am absolutely thrilled to be the principal of El Sierra School! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. My goal is to continually improve our website so that it can be a valuable tool for both students and parents. I look forward to building a strong and positive relationship with the students, parents and staff of El Sierra this year. This is going to be a great school year!
–Jason Lynde, Principal
Title 1 Information
In addition to the provisions of the district policy on Title 1 programs, El Sierra, as a Title 1 school will also:
- provide additional reading interventions for students who score significantly below the reading target on their benchmark assessments
- progress monitor each student receiving a Title 1 intervention
- provide each parent of a Title 1 student with information on their child's reading progress