March 2016 Board Briefs

Flag Salute – Fairmount School

The Fairmount Student Council officers led the Board and audience in the flag salute. The Student Council includes President Christian Schloneger, Vice President Julian Kroschke, Secretary Ella O’Neill and Treasurer Paul Spang.

Fairmount Principal Tony Coglianese, Student Council Sponsors Bob Luciano and Jennifer Van Zant, and the Student Council officers told the Board about their school’s recent projects and accomplishments, which included a FISH Pantry fundraiser, a holiday giving tree, a large school supply drive and more.

Fairmount PTA President Heather Spang shared some of the PTA’s recent achievements, which included several fun school programs, 30 parent-run committees and a record number of parent volunteers.

“The future at Fairmount is bright, and we’re really excited about it!” Spang said.

Spotlight on our Schools: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Committee Update

Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Matt Rich and STEM Committee Members Kelly DeMarco (Pierce Downer), Jill Henry (Herrick) and Nicole Trezzo (Herrick) provided the Board with an update on District 58’s Next Generation Science Standards implementation.

The new, state-required Next Generation Science Standards represent a significant shift in science education, focusing on students developing inquiry-based science and engineering practices. This new process encourages children to see science as an investigation rather than the traditional recipe of the scientific method.

The shift to the new standards has challenged teachers and administrators, creating deeper collaborations across District 58 as educators have worked together to best implement the standards.

District 58’s seventh grade science team began piloting the Next Generation Science Standards this school year. Seventh graders are exploring the life sciences by investigating a variety of phenomena that occur in the community and the world. In addition, eighth grade teachers are blending traditional and Next Generation science content.

At the elementary level, teams are preparing units of study and professional development to prepare for a future district-wide implementation of the new standards. To ensure a successful transition, the District has slowed its implementation efforts.

“The Next Generation Science Standards mark a shift in content for teachers, so we want to take baby steps to ensure we implement it correctly,” DeMarco said.

District 58 is working collaboratively with local school districts, the Regional Board of Education and the District Science Collaborative for additional resources and support. The newly-formed District Science Collaborative comprises a consortium of several Illinois school districts that gathered to network and brainstorm effective Next Generation Science Standards curriculum roll-out strategies, professional development and more. The combined group represented twenty-six school districts, over 1,000 schools, and more than 600,000 students.

District 58 plans to continue these collaborations to identify resources and professional development strategies. The District will also expand eighth grade science content to fully align to the new standards, and review middle school science lab facilities for possible updates.

Superintendent’s Report

Superintendent Dr. Kari Cremascoli shared several announcements and reminders with the Board, including:


  • The Parent School Environment Survey is now open. New this year, the survey also includes questions regarding the District’s Reporting Systems. Dr. Cremascoli encouraged parents to take the survey by March 31. The survey is located at A Student Survey will be administered after spring break.
  • Student registration for returning students for the 2016-17 school year will open on April 11 and is due no later than May 13. More information will be shared with families in the coming weeks.
  • District 58 has begun 2017-18 school year calendar considerations, in conjunction with District 99. District 58 seeks the Board’s input regarding the calendar.  The Board provided input regarding alignment of winter break calendars with neighboring districts.
  • Kindergarten Roundup will begin March 15 at Lester School and will continue throughout March and April at all of District 58’s elementary schools. Kindergarten Roundup offers parents of incoming kindergarteners the opportunity to meet the principal/teacher, get acquainted with the school and learn more about kindergarten curriculum.
  • PARCC testing is going on this week. The Illinois State Board of Education has contacted District 58 regarding its 2014-15 school year PARCC participation rates, as it fell below ISBE’s threshold of 95 percent participation. Dr. Cremascoli will inform the Board if ISBE conducts any additional inquiries into the District’s PARCC participation.
  • District 58 hosted a very productive Teacher Inservice Day on March 4. Staff enjoyed a day of learning and collaborating to improve their teaching.
  • The third annual Reading Games went very well! Hundreds of District 58 students participated in this reading competition on March 12.
  • The District produced two new brochures that communicate information on the District’s Biliteracy Program and the Optional Kindergarten Enrichment and Enhancement Program.
  • The DuPage Regional Office of Education held the first ever instructional coaches network event at District 58’s Longfellow Center. This successful event offered instructional coaches from across DuPage County the opportunity to network and learn from one another.
  • The Middle School Festival of Music celebrates District 58’s successful middle school music programs – band, orchestra and choir. The festival takes place on March 16 at 7 p.m. at Downers Grove North and everyone is invited to attend.

Business Report

Controller Dr. James Popernik reported that the 2015-16 District 58 budget continues to be on track. He noted that the District has only received two of four categorical payments from the State so far this fiscal year, totaling about $1.5 million. He anticipates that the final two payments will likely be late, but will likely arrive in time to be included in the 2015-16 District 58 audit.

Committee Reports

Member Sallie Lupescu reported on the Feb. 16 Policy Committee meeting and the March 8 Special Policy Committee meeting. During the Feb. 16 meeting, members recommended a first reading on three policies:

  • Policy #2002 – Administration – Organizational Chart
  • Policy #3435 – Business – District-Owned Vehicles
  • Policy #5103 – Students – Transfers

The Board moved to approve all three policies for first reading. They will be placed on the April Board agenda for final approval.

A special meeting of the Policy Committee was called March 8 to discuss the potential expansion of the District’s Optional Kindergarten Enrichment and Enhancement Program, as well as review and finalize procedures for the potential Lester School OKEEP lottery. The Committee reviewed input provided by Lester community members regarding both of these topics.

Parents with children currently attending Lester asked if special consideration could be given to keeping an incoming kindergarten sibling at Lester for OKEEP.  With at least 31 kindergarten siblings already identified, this is difficult; however, the option for a weighted lottery for kindergarteners with siblings was suggested. The Committee recommended adding a 2:1 weighted preference in the lottery for kindergarten students with older siblings attending Lester in 2016-17.

Member Elizabeth Sigale reported on the Feb. 17 Legislative Committee meeting, which reviewed the 2016 Legislative Breakfast. Sigale invited the Board to provide any suggestions for next year’s Legislative Breakfast.

The Financial Advisory Committee did not meet this past month.

During the meeting, the Board also:

  • Approved a full expansion of the District’s Optional Kindergarten Enrichment and Enhancement Program, with special considerations for Lester School
  • Approved the appointment of David Bein to the assistant superintendent for business position, effective July 1
  • Approved the Donation Agreement between the Ronald L. McDaniel Foundation (an Illinois not-for-profit corporation) and the District 58 Board of Education to accept possession of a handicap-accessible playground at Hillcrest School
  • Approved a contract for construction services (subject to attorney review and approval) for the design and installation of the Hillcrest playground
  • Approved the 2016-17 District 58 school calendar
  • Approved student fees for the 2016-17 school year
  • Moved to place the recommended middle school Spanish curriculum materials – Asi Se Dice – on display for 30 days at the Administrative Service Center and the Downers Grove Public Library, and set the materials’ final adoption for the May Board meeting
  • Authorized the transfer of $6 million from the District’s Working Cash Fund to its Education Fund
  • Authorized the transfer of $250,000 from the District’s Working Cash Fund to its Operations and Maintenance Fund
  • Authorized the transfer of $50,000 from the District’s Working Cash Fund to its Debt Service Fund
  • Adopted resolutions to honorably dismiss 15 teachers and 24 educational support personnel employees, as well as to dismiss nine educational support personnel employees and two teachers
  • Recognized students who participated in the 2016 Science Fair
  • Recognized students who participated in the 2016 Downers Grove Solo/Ensemble Days
  • Recognized staff who participated on the 14 active district committees
  • Approved minutes from the Feb. 8 Regular Meeting, Feb. 18 Coffee with the Staff and the Feb. 22 Special Meeting/Curriculum Workshop
  • Approved all materials in the Consent Agenda

Upcoming events:

  • Tuesday, March 22 at 6:30 p.m.: Kingsley Building Tour and PTA Meeting
  • Monday, April 4 at 7 a.m.: Financial Advisory Committee at the Administrative Services Center
  • Monday, April 11 at 7 p.m.: Regular Board Meeting at the Longfellow Center

District 58 Board of Education members include: John Cooper, president; Doug Purcell, vice president; Roberta Diehl; Christopher Heppner; Sallie Lupescu; John Miller; and Elizabeth Sigale, with Dr. Kari Cremascoli, superintendent; and Pam Osika, board secretary.