April 2016 Board Briefs

Flag Salute – Hillcrest School

The Hillcrest Student Council officers led the Board and audience in the flag salute. The Student Council includes Girl President Ryann Wendt, Boy President Hugh Lang, VP of Committees Emery Teague, VP of Communications Jack Benge, Clerical Secretary Audrey Stanton and Recording Secretary Hillary Morris.

Along with Principal Michelle Rzepka and Student Council Sponsors Dr. Sue Anderson and Lauren Prosser, the students shared some of their recent achievements. Last school year, they raised more than $8,000 during their Funding for Fun spring fundraiser, which supported Hillcrest’s all-inclusive playground initiative. This school year, their fundraisers included Fall Grams; the Hat, Gloves and Mittens Drive; and Valentine’s Day Grams. They are still planning their annual spring fundraiser. The Student Council also introduced a new Spirit Day this year, called “Homeroom Wars.”

PTA President Gina Stark told the Board that Hillcrest’s PTA spans 40 different committees that offer a range of cultural, academic, social and emotional enrichment opportunities for students. The PTA recently held a wildly successful Game Night fundraiser. Proceeds will support the PTA’s student activities.

Spotlight on our Schools: Grove Children’s Preschool

Assistant Superintendent for Special Services Jessica Stewart and Preschool Coordinator Jackelyn Cadard presented the Board with information and updates regarding District 58’s Grove Children’s Preschool program. They thanked the Board for their continued support of the District’s preschool program, despite state budget cuts to its Preschool for All funding.

During the past year, the preschool team has focused on improving its preschool curriculum, offering an increased emphasis on social-emotional skill instruction; improved instructional techniques, scheduling and environmental supports; and clearer communication with preschool families. The preschool program adopted several state-recognized curriculums, including the Second Step Social-Emotional Curriculum, Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Curriculum and the Dr. Michael Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Curriculum. They’ve continued to use and enhance their existing state-recognized Creative Curriculum.

New this year, Grove Children’s Preschool initiated innovative ways to inform parents of their children’s progress. In addition to providing parents with traditional student progress data, they also use a parent password-protected app called Seesaw, which is a digital portfolio highlighting each preschooler’s daily work. Preschool teachers take photos of preschoolers engaged in learning and post the photos to Seesaw, along with a brief description. Parents can see exactly what their children are learning through the pictures and descriptions.

“It’s quick and easy for us to take photos with our iPads and post it to Seesaw,” said preschool teacher Nancy Hildreth. “They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and that’s certainly the case here. Our parents – especially parents who might be traveling for work – love to see the pictures of their kids at school each day. It keeps them better connected to what their children are learning in the classroom.”

Grove Children’s Preschool improvement efforts have paid off – on this year’s Preschool for All state audit report, the program scored so well that it qualifies for a Gold rating, the highest score possible for a preschool program.

“It’s been a tremendous couple of years. The work of staff and students in the program is remarkable. Preschool is a little piece of District 58 that makes a big impact on our entire school system,” Stewart said.

Superintendent’s Report

Superintendent Dr. Kari Cremascoli shared several announcements and reminders with the Board, including:

  •    Registration for the 2016-17 school year is officially open. Parents received an email and a printed letter with each child’s registration information this week. We request that parents please submit their registration forms by Friday, May 13, so District leaders can provide appropriate staffing levels for each school.
  •    The twice-annual PTA/Administrators meeting took place on April 5. This meeting offered PTA members, administrators and Board members the opportunity to share district-wide news and updates and answer questions from the PTA. The District and Board appreciate the PTA presidents for their time and participation in this meeting.
  •    PARCC administration is completed in District 58. The District continues to work with the state regarding concerns over the District’s 2014-15 PARCC participation rates, which were lower than the state’s 95 percent participation goal.
  •    Districts 58 and 99 have continued to discuss 2017-18 calendar options. The two districts hope to directly align winter and spring breaks. District 58 will seek input from its principals, teachers’ union and Board when creating the 2017-18 calendar.
  •    The Education Foundation’s annual Select 58 event took place April 6 and went very well! Select 58 annually honors eighth graders who demonstrate outstanding service toward their school and community.
  •    Author Fest is taking place this week at several District 58 schools and will wrap up with a public book sale and signing on Friday, April 15 from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Downers Grove Public Library. All are welcome!
  •    The Building Bridges PTA Committee will meet Wednesday at 7 p.m. at Hillcrest and feature two excellent guest speakers: Dr. Debra LeBlanc speaking on inclusion and Peg Chaidez speaking on the future universally-designed Hillcrest playground.
  •    District 58 looks forward to its many end-of-year events, including the Distinguished Service Awards and the annual Celebrate 58 event, which honors the DGEEA Teacher of the Year. This year’s winner will be announced on Wednesday. The District is excited to learn and celebrate this year’s Teacher of the Year!

Business Report

Controller Dr. James Popernik reminded the Board that the Budget Workshop will take place on Monday, April 25 at 7 p.m. As the final quarter of this fiscal year begins, Dr. Popernik noted that it’s been a very successful year. Notably, the District launched a new, more efficient administrative software called iVisions last July and it’s serving the District very well.

Dr. Popernik shared that the Business Office is finalizing bids for summer projects. He also noted that the IMRF will conduct an audit on District 58 this week. The last such audit took place about four to five years ago. He believes that this audit should go well. He also noted that District 58’s budget auditors are expected to begin work on June 22.

Committee Reports

Dr. James Popernik reported on the April 4 Financial Advisory Committee meeting. The committee reviewed the 2015 CPI, which came in at a weak 0.7 (CPI for 2014 was 0.8). He explained that the annual CPI drives District 58’s levy, so a weak CPI has negative impacts on the school district. He also noted that the District’s benefits insurance renewal will take place soon. Rates will likely increase about 5.5 percent.

The committee also reviewed a preliminary draft of the 2016-17 budget and discussed student fees, summer projects and next year’s committee meeting schedule.

The Policy Committee and the Legislative Committee did not meet this past month.

During the meeting, the Board also:

  •    Recognized students who excelled in the Illinois Young Author’s Conference
  •    Recognized Whittier fifth grader, Kate Cesario, who is the regional winner of the “Celebrate America” immigration essay contest and a featured TEDxIIT event speaker; Kate presented her essay to the Board, along with a brief description of what influenced her to write it.
  •    Discussed their recent community engagement efforts, which include an increased presence at PTA meetings and other school, district and community events. Member Diehl shared that community members seem to be pleased that the Board is more engaged in local meetings and community events. Several Board members expressed interest in finding ways to better connect with District 58 union representatives.
  •    Approved minutes from the March 14 regular meeting, March 22 Kingsley building tour and PTA meeting, and the April 5 PTA presidents/administrators’ meeting.
  •    Approved all materials in the Consent Agenda
  •    Approved Friday, June 3, 2016 as the last student attendance day for the 2015-16 school year
  •    Authorized District 58’s participation in several federal and state grant programs for the 2016-17 school year, including Title 1, Title IIA, Student Library Per Capita, Preschool for All, ELL-TBE/TPI, IDEA Preschool and IDEA Flow Through; The Board noted that due to the state’s financial issues, there is a chance that the District may not receive funding for these state grants. In addition, because federal funding flows through the state, there is also a possibility that the District will not receive funding for its federal grants.
  •    Awarded the bid for playground excavation at Fairmount, Lester, Indian Trail and Pierce Downer to the lowest bidder that met all expectations – Hacienda Landscaping – for $39,850.
  •    Awarded the bid for Playcraft Single Post Swings for Belle Aire, Indian Trail and Pierce Downer schools to Zenon Company at a cost of $26,874.31
  •    Awarded the bid for playground mulch installation at El Sierra, Fairmount, Henry Puffer, Indian Trail, Lester and Pierce Downer to Cedar Valley Express Blower for an estimated cost of $36,400
  •    Awarded the bid for kindergarten classroom furniture for Belle Aire, Fairmount, Hillcrest, Lester, Pierce Downer and Whittier schools to Shane’s Office Products for a total cost of $40,541.12
  •    Awarded the bid for miscellaneous painting at 11 schools to Brookdale Decorating for a cost of $40,580.
  •    Concluded second readings of three policies: Policy #2002 – Administration – Organizational Chart; Policy #3435 – Business – District-Owned Vehicles; and Policy #5103 – Students – Transfers. Revisions to all three policies were adopted.

Upcoming events:

  •    Tuesday, April 19 at 7 a.m.: Policy Committee Meeting at the Administration Service Center
  •    Thursday, April 21 at 7:30 a.m.: BOE Coffee with the Staff at Herrick
  •    Monday, April 25 at 7 p.m.: Budget Workshop at the Longfellow Center
  •    Wednesday, May 4: Staff Appreciation Day
  •    Monday, May 9 at 7 p.m.: Regular Board Meeting at the Longfellow Center

District 58 Board of Education members include: John Cooper, president; Doug Purcell, vice president; Roberta Diehl; Christopher Heppner; Sallie Lupescu; John Miller; and Elizabeth Sigale, with Dr. Kari Cremascoli, superintendent; and Pam Osika, board secretary.