May 2016 Board Briefs

Flag Salute – El Sierra School

The El Sierra Student Council led the Board and audience in the flag salute. The Student Council includes President Jordan Stewart, Vice President JJ Kumkoski, Secretary Payson Horn-Salerno and Treasurer Abby Parson.

The Student Council officers, along with Principal Jason Lynde and Student Council Sponsor Pat Pfaff, shared some highlights from their year. The Student Council raised more than $700 during their Penny Wars fundraiser. They donated this money to the Willowbrook Wildlife Center and Cosley Farm. They were able to purchase new soccer balls for their school with some of the leftover funds. They held a successful Disney Spirit Day, and enjoyed another fun Variety Show in March.

PTA President Rose LaRue-Slater could not attend Monday’s meeting, so Principal Mr. Lynde spoke on her behalf. He said that the PTA held a back-to-school ice cream social to bring families together. In addition, the PTA not only held its first ever Fun Run, they also exceeded their fundraising goal. Proceeds from the Fun Run paid for a new school 3D printer. Finally, the PTA granted several “wishes” to teachers for items in their classrooms, and celebrated the El Sierra staff during Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week.

“Our El Sierra PTA finds ways to better connect families with their school,” Lynde said. “They go beyond raising money. They help build community.”

Spotlight on our Schools: Teacher Evaluation and Student Growth Goals

Assistant Superintendent for Personnel Dr. Jayne Yudzentis led this month’s Spotlight on our Schools, in collaboration with a variety of teachers and principals from throughout the District.

The group provided an overview of the Performance Evaluation Reform Act (PERA), which mandates that Illinois school districts convene a Joint Committee to make decisions regarding incorporating student growth measures within teacher evaluation plans. The law also requires that districts successfully factor student growth into the summative evaluation rating by September 2016.

District 58’s Joint Committee comprises 17 representatives, which include teachers, staff and administrators. The committee has spent more than 20 hours meeting, learning, collaborating and developing a clear plan that promotes authentic student growth; establishes attainable student goals; and offers information and meaning for staff. The committee attended several sessions on PERA and student growth, presented by several state agencies. The Joint Committee finalized their plan in April 2016.

The Joint Committee’s plan offers a concrete and clear Student Growth Goal Process for teachers. During the 2016-17 school year, teachers will be asked to develop between one and three rigorous student growth goals that are aligned with district curriculum. District 58 will offer professional development for teachers in June 2016 related to practicing writing student growth goals, with follow-up professional development opportunities available in August, October and throughout the 2016-17 school year.

The Joint Committee will continue to explore adding student growth goals for MAP and similar assessments in the future. The committee agreed that additional professional development is required to successfully create such a growth goal. The Joint Committee will reconvene in January 2017 to review the process and implementation; gather and share feedback; and review the potential use of additional assessments.

Superintendent’s Report

Superintendent Dr. Kari Cremascoli shared several announcements and reminders with the Board, including:

  •       2016-17 Registration. District 58 sent all parents registration information via both email and printed letters in mid-April. The District is asking parents to please complete registration by Friday, May 13. Having accurate registration numbers is critical, as it helps the District make appropriate staffing decisions for the upcoming school year. In addition, registration for the Optional Kindergarten Enrichment and Enhancement Program is also open right now. Families interested in this opportunity are urged to register as soon as possible, as OKEEP enrollment numbers will affect staffing hiring decisions.
  •       Learning Resource Center (LRC) Teachers. Dr. Cremascoli shared that the District was aware that several parents have expressed concerns regarding the District’s LRC staffing decisions, including several who may be in attendance at this evening’s meeting. She thanked all visitors for taking the time to participate in the Board meeting.Dr. Cremascoli also offered the Board and audience some clarification on LRC staffing. She reiterated that District 58 highly values its LRC teachers and the dedicated work they do, including the variety of roles and responsibilities they fill within each of their schools.  She assured families that while the District is making some adjustments to the LRC teachers’ schedules at Henry Puffer and Belle Aire schools next year, this recommendation was made after carefully reviewing the staffing needs and schedules of our schools. The District made the adjustments after ensuring that all students will continue to have access to their existing, weekly 30-minute LRC instructional class time and their 15-minute book check-out period, both led by their school’s LRC teacher. All LRC teachers will continue to have opportunities to partner with classroom teachers to offer support and collaboration, as well as to partner on special research projects, as coordinated by their classroom teacher.In addition, each school will continue to be staffed by a full-time LRC assistant five days per week, in addition to the assigned LRC teaching time, and all students will continue to have access to the LRC five days per week.  In addition, classroom teachers may continue to use the LRC for additional classroom discovery and learning, even outside of the scheduled LRC instructional time.
  •       2017-18 School Calendar. District 58 is preparing a draft calendar for the 2017-18 school year, but will wait until District 99 approves its 2017-18 calendar before moving forward.
  •       Parent Surveys.  Dr. Cremascoli thanked all parents who participated in this spring’s Parent School Environment and District Reporting Systems Survey. District administrators, principals and school improvement teams have already begun reviewing the survey results, and will use these results to inform their district and school improvement efforts.  The District posted parent survey results on the District’s website.
  •       Academic Assessments. Dr. Cremascoli reported that while most assessments for the school year are completed, the new state-required middle school science assessment will soon begin, as well as the state’s AIMSweb reading assessment.
  •       Committee Work. Dr. Cremascoli commended District 58’s many committees for their hard work and achievements this school year. Throughout this school year, the district has made a concerted effort, in collaboration with its teachers and administrators, to expand curriculum committee work and representation.   As examples, she said the District has two Report Card Committees that are working hard to review and improve upon the District’s reporting systems. The committees are using research, teacher and administration input, and parent survey feedback to inform their efforts. The District’s Math and English-Language Arts Committees have also made progress this school year. Of note, the District’s Math Committee is reviewing and making recommendations to improve the scope and sequence of the District’s math curriculum and instructional resources.
  •       Summer Learning/iPad Cleanup. District 58 is pleased to offer a variety of summer learning opportunities for students, including Summer School, the Parent-Led Summer Book Club Program, the PTA Summer Math Club and more. Additional information is available at In addition, District 58 will collect student iPads at the end of this school year. This will allow staff to refresh the iPads over the summer. This refresh will extend the life of the iPads and ensure all iPads are up-to-date and properly set up. The District will email more information regarding iPad turn-in to parents.
  •       Distinguished Service Awards. Dr. Cremascoli shared that the Education Foundation recently held its annual Distinguished Service Awards ceremony. The DSA ceremony recognized 32 nominees and announced three DSA winners: Gail Pistello, PE teacher at Herrick; Kit Hamilton, science teacher at O’Neill; and Nancy Mueller, instructional assistant at El Sierra. Dr. Cremascoli congratulated all of this year’s DSA winners and nominees.

Business Report

Controller Dr. James Popernik shared two items with the Board. While the latest state school-funding proposal would be detrimental to District 58, Gov. Bruce Rauner has openly announced that he will not support it. In addition, the District recently received an $800,000 categorical payment from the state.

Committee Reports

Board Member Sallie Lupescu reported on the April 19 Policy Committee meeting. She commended the District 58 teachers’ union and administration for collaboratively bringing a potential Board Policy ambiguity regarding Board communications to the Policy Committee’s attention. This item will be placed on the May Policy Committee meeting agenda for further review.

The Policy Committee also recommended a first reading on two policies:

  • Policy #2030 – Administration – Assistant Superintendent for Business/CSBO
  • Policy #5131 – Students – Student Discipline

The Board moved to approve both policies for first reading. They will be placed on the June Board agenda for final approval.

The Financial Advisory Committee and the Legislative Committee did not meet this past month.

During the meeting, the Board also:

  • Recognized students who volunteered their time to participate in the 2015-16 Safety Patrol program.
  • Received input and feedback during the Reception of Visitors regarding LRC elementary teaching assignments, the Optional Kindergarten Enrichment and Enhancement Program (OKEEP) at Lester, the District’s curriculum, teacher professional development and Board communication.
  • Approved minutes from the April 11 Regular Meeting, April 21 Coffee with the Staff and the April 25 Budget Workshop.
  • Approved all materials in the Consent Agenda.
  • Adopted the middle school Spanish curriculum materials, Asi Se Dice, for an estimated cost of $17,517.
  • Awarded the bid for ink cartridges, drums and printheads for the 2016-17 school year to The Office Pal at an estimated cost of $50,169.23.
  • Awarded the bid for custodial supplies for the 2016-17 school year to Ramrod Distributors ($72,313.12), Metro Professional ($23,765.40) and Chemcraft ($5,092.35).
  • Awarded the bid for the design and printing of various District 58 communications for the 2016-17 school year to The Maclyn Group for an approximate cost of $32,737 with the option to renew for two additional years pending mutual agreement.
  • Approved a 36-month WAN contract with AT&T for a monthly cost of $16,087.50 and a total cost of $579,150.
  • Approved a 36-month managed internet service contract for a monthly cost of $2,944.60 and a total cost of $106,005.60.
  • Approved the purchase of 127 wireless access points and associated equipment for a price of $43,199.05 from CDW-G.
  • Authorized the Village of Downers Grove to sign a contract awarding the bid for asphalt work at Indian Trail School and Herrick Middle School to A Lamp Concrete Contractors for $137,313.
  • Authorized an agreement between District 58 and the Downers Grove Sanitary District for plumbing service and sanitary service repair work at Herrick Middle School to be completed during summer 2016.
  • Adopted a resolution appointing Doug Purcell as the Board Representative and John Miller as the Alternate Representative to the SASED Board of Control. They also appointed Doug Purcell as the Board Representative and John Miller as the Alternate Representative to the SASED Governing Board. Finally, they approved a room rental agreement between the District 58 Board of Education and SASED from Aug. 11, 2016 through Aug. 10, 2017.
  • Appointed David Bein as the District 58 Treasurer for July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. They also approved the school treasurer’s bond for Mr. Bein at an annual premium of $11,696 and a limit/penalty of $21.25 million.

Upcoming events:

  •    Tuesday, May 17 at 7 a.m.: Policy Committee Meeting at the Administrative Service Center
  •    Thursday, June 2 at 5 p.m.: O’Neill Eighth Grade Promotion at North High School
  •    Thursday, June 2 at 7 p.m.: Herrick Eighth Grade Promotion at North High School
  •    Monday, June 6 at 7 p.m.: Special Board Meeting – Superintendent’s Evaluation at the Administrative Service Center
  •    Monday, June 13 at 7 p.m.: Regular Board Meeting at the Administrative Service Center

District 58 Board of Education members include: John Cooper, president; Doug Purcell, vice president; Roberta Diehl; Christopher Heppner; Sallie Lupescu; John Miller; and Elizabeth Sigale, with Dr. Kari Cremascoli, superintendent; and Pam Osika, board secretary.