September 2016 Regular Board Meeting

The District 58 Board of Education held its regular business meeting on Monday, Sept. 12, 2016. Highlights from the meeting include:

Spotlight on our Schools: Community Engagement and a Review of Community Surveys

Community Relations Coordinator Megan Hewitt highlighted the District’s recent community engagement efforts and summarized last year’s school environment survey results.

Community Engagement:

Hewitt shared that the District strives to consistently engage with all stakeholders across a variety of communication channels, including in-person and online. As a highlight, Hewitt said that the District’s Communicate 58 newsletter consistently maintains very high readership, with the Aug. 31 issue receiving more than 4,000 unique views. Hewitt noted that the District improved its content, photography and videography last year, and recently received seven school communication awards at the state level and one honorable mention at the national level.

She also shared recent community engagement enhancements, which include increased communication regarding Board meetings, strategic goals, curriculum and progress reporting, as well as increased Board presence at community meetings and events, including PTA meetings. The Board plans to consider additional engagement options for this year.

The District plans to roll out a new website, update its Communications Plan and explore updates to the Strategic Plan in the next school year.

School Environment Surveys:

Hewitt shared an overview of the District’s school environment surveys. Last fall, a Survey Committee formed to improve the surveys for clarity and usability. Among other updates, the Committee changed the surveys’ rating scale from an agreement scale (agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, disagree) to a frequency scale (always, usually, sometimes, never), and incorporated questions about the District’s reporting methods for the Report Card Committees to consider.

Overall, the School Environment Surveys received positive feedback from parents and students. 90-95 percent of parents said that their school is supportive, they have opportunities to communicate with their child’s teacher, and that their child’s teacher cares. The parent survey also identified feedback regarding progress-reporting, which was shared with the Report Card Committees for review and consideration. Student survey results found that roughly 90-97 percent of students believe their teacher expects them to do well, they feel safe at school, and their classroom has clear expectations.

District 58 administrators, principals and building leadership teams annually review the survey results to identify district and school improvements. Detailed survey results are available by visiting, selecting the Community tab and clicking “Surveys.”

Superintendent’s Report:

Superintendent Dr. Kari Cremascoli shared updates with the Board including:

  • District 58 enjoyed a productive start of the school year. New teacher activities, Teacher Institute Days and the first days of school were each tremendous successes. The first couple weeks brought hot weather, making some schools uncomfortable without air conditioning.
  • The District also faced a few transportation challenges when school began. While most issues were resolved quickly, the District is still diligently working with the bus company to resolve some special education bus route challenges.
  • Half of District 58 schools hosted Curriculum Night last week. Remaining schools will host their Curriculum Nights this week. So far, these evening events have been very well-attended, giving parents the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher and learn more about the District 58 curriculum and resources.
  • The District’s Curriculum Committees have set their schedules and begun meeting. Notably, the Math Committee recently completed a productive full-day meeting that discussed placement of accelerated students among other topics. The District also scheduled staff professional development and collaboration for the year and looks forward to offering staff new opportunities to learn and advance their practice.
  • District 58’s enrollment is relatively stable at 5,122 students, reflecting an increase in enrollment of approximately 45 students over last school year. The average class size is 23 students, with 91 percent of classrooms being near or at average. View the enrollment report.
  • A demographer has begun its District 58 fieldwork regarding enrollment growth predictions and is expected to provide a report later this fall.
  • The District’s salary compensation report and IMRF salary benefit report have been published on the District’s website.
  • The Board looks forward to joining several local governmental agencies in a Super Retreat this week.
  • The Education Foundation will host the Downers Grove Oktoberfest next weekend, Sept. 17-18, in downtown Downers Grove. Admission is $5 for adults and free for children and proceeds will benefit District 58 schools.

Business Report:

Assistant Superintendent for Business David Bein shared the following Business Report with the Board:

  • The auditors completed site work and will present their final audit report later this fall.
  • The District will soon receive fall property tax receipts, which will help balance the transportation fund.
  • District 58 paid several large bills in August, including $1.5 million to SASED, as well as worker’s compensation claims, summer maintenance bills and supply purchases.
  • The District has experienced many Septran special education transportation challenges this school year. The District intends to thoroughly review all Septran bills.
  • The District’s 12-month investments will mature in the next six weeks. Bein is looking at the best options to reinvest the funds.
  • Bein recently attended a seminar regarding the state’s financial condition and its impact on schools. He shared highlights from this seminar, which included that the state’s budget deficit is expected to grow to $9 billion, and it is possible that District 58 will only receive two of its four categorical state payments this school year, which would result in a revenue shortfall.

Discussion: Board Self-Evaluation Follow-up

The Board of Education held a public discussion regarding their recent Board Self-Evaluation. The Board seeks to improve its new board member orientation process. Board Members John Cooper and Elizabeth Sigale volunteered to create an orientation process by the Board that will welcome and help familiarize future new Board members with District 58 and Board requirements.

The Board also considered options to improve its community engagement. They would like to continue to actively engage the community in a variety of ways, including formal meetings and two-way dialogue opportunities. They are exploring possible updates to the Board policy and Board meeting structures, including revisions to procedures for Receptions of Visitors at Board Meetings, adding a more open public engagement portion to Board workshop meetings, and creating a new Board committee that will incorporate representatives from various stakeholder groups. The Board, Policy Committee and District 58 administration will continue exploring these options in the next month.

Committee Reports:

No committees met during the past month.

During the Meeting, the Board Also:

  • Completed a public budget hearing for the tentative 2016-17 budget and approved the 2016-17 budget.
  • Ratified the 2016-19 collective bargaining agreement between the Downers Grove Educational Support Personnel and the District 58 Board of Education.
  • Listened to a presentation by Pierce Downer Student Council Representatives Lauren, Jonathan, Tyler and Caroline, as well as from PTA Co-Presidents Laurie Hurt and Colleen Loftus. The Student Council, Pierce Downer Principal Justin Sisul and Assistant Principal Chris Clavenna also led the Board and audience in a flag salute and the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Approved minutes from the Aug. 8 Regular Board Meeting and the Aug. 22 Budget Workshop/Special Meeting
  • Approved all items on the Consent Agenda as presented in the packet materials.
  • Reviewed the Children’s Internet Protection Act (Policy #6111).
  • Reviewed proposed revisions to IASB DuPage Division Bylaws.
  • Approved the State’s 2016-17 applications for recognition of schools.
  • Awarded a bid for special education transportation for five routes to Grand Prairie Transit for a projected annual cost of $168,960. The bid is for this school year with the option to renew for one additional year.
  • Designated the 25-year old Toro Proline 36” walk-behind mower as surplus equipment.

Upcoming Events:

  • Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 6:30 p.m.: Super Retreat of Governmental Entities at Downers Grove South
  • Tuesday, Sept. 20 at 7 a.m.: Policy Committee Meeting at the ASC
  • Monday, Sept. 26 at 6:30 p.m.: Building Tour and PTA Meeting at El Sierra
  • Monday, Oct. 3 at 7 a.m.: Financial Advisory Committee Meeting at the ASC
  • Monday, Oct. 17 at 7 p.m.: Regular Board Meeting at the Longfellow Center
  • Tuesday, Oct.18 at 7 a.m.: Policy Committee Meeting at the ASC
  • Wednesday, Oct. 19 at 3:45 p.m.: Legislative Committee Meeting at the ASC

District 58 Board of Education members include: John Cooper, president; Doug Purcell, vice president; Roberta Diehl; Christopher Heppner; Sallie Lupescu; John Miller; and Elizabeth Sigale, with Dr. Kari Cremascoli, superintendent; and Pam Osika, board secretary.