Board Briefs: March 2025

fairmount student council

The District 58 Board of Education held a Regular Meeting on Monday, March 10 at the Downers Grove Civic Center. View the agenda. The meeting video will be posted on the District’s YouTube page.

School Report: Fairmount School

Fairmount’s Student Council officers led the Board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. They also shared some of the spirit days, fundraisers and service projects that they’ve coordinated this year, such as Treats for Troops and a supply collection for NAWS Humane Society, among others. PTA President Mike Smetana gave a brief presentation on the PTA’s successful events and fundraisers, which included a trivia night, trunk or treat event, and cultural night. Principal Dr. Lisa Niforatos presented on some of the new school initiatives that have made a positive impact on Fairmount. For example, Fairmount expanded its student ambassador program, which gives sixth graders school leadership opportunities. Fairmount also started a Fairmount Families program, which groups staff and students from different grades together for regular meetings that build upon the school’s social-emotional learning curriculum. Dr. Niforatos also shared Fairmount’s school improvement goals, which focus on English-language arts and Zones of Regulation social-emotional learning curriculum resource implementation, as well as a goal focusing on strengthening colleague collaboration. The school also takes time to reflect on its past school improvement goals to ensure progress continues to be made.

Spotlight on our Schools: Five-Year Financial Plan Update and Second Bond Issuance for the 2022 Referendum

Assistant Superintendent for Business and Chief School Business Official Todd Drafall provided the Board with the tentative Fiscal Year 2026-2030 District 58 Five-Year Financial Plan. He also gave a brief presentation regarding the second bond issuance for the 2022 referendum.

The District annually reviews and updates its Five-Year Financial Plan. This plan forecasts revenues and expenditures for the next five years, which helps the District make more informed budget decisions. Fiscal Year 2025 is expected to end in a positive position, but Fiscal Year 2026 will require approximately $2.2 million reduction in expenditures in large part due to declining state and federal revenues. The 2026-30 financial plan accounts for the budget reduction and meets the Board’s budget requirements, which include a balanced budget, an annual capital transfer, and a 35% fund balance. The plan also includes a five-year schedule for curriculum and technology resource review and replacement. 

Mr. Drafall also reported on the second referendum-related bond issuance. After voters approved District 58’s facility referendum in fall 2022 with approximately 67% of the vote, District 58 issued bonds to cover the initial construction work. As work progresses, District 58 is now in the position to issue bonds for the remaining work. 

Mr. Drafall outlined the work his team has completed to issue the bonds. This work included Financial Advisory Committee discussions, Board meeting discussions, and presentations to Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s credit rating agencies. The District anticipates receiving credit ratings from both agencies in the coming days.

Several different bond structure options were considered by the Financial Advisory Committee, and the consensus was to add to the current debt structure, wrapping around existing costs. If future conditions are favorable, the District could potentially refinance down the road.

Later in the meeting, the Board adopted a resolution for the issuance of up to $54,005,000 in General Obligation School Bonds for the remaining referendum construction work. 

Superintendent’s Report

Superintendent Dr. Kevin Russell provided several updates, including:

2026-27 Calendar: The Board was asked to approve the 2026-27 school year calendar later in the meeting. The 2025-26 calendar was previously approved and is on the website. Both the summers of 2025 and 2026 involve construction that will require a longer summer. This means that fall 2027 will be the first year that District 58 can fully align its calendar with District 99 (our high school district).

Curriculum & Instruction: The District continues to refine its assessment data format, as requested by the Board. State assessment season is starting; students in grades 3-8 will take the Illinois Assessment of Readiness prior to spring break, and students in grades 5 and 8 are in the process of taking the Illinois Science Assessment. Teachers are preparing students in advance for the structure and format of the exams. “While the state assessment is only one data point of academic achievement and growth, it is the one by which our schools are measured and compared to others in the state,” said Dr. Russell. “We appreciate the partnership of all of our families and the positive approach that we take toward this assessment.”

Student Registration: Student registration for the 2025-26 school year is open, and approximately half of our returning students are registered for next school year. Dr. Russell thanked the school secretaries for supporting this process. Families are asked to complete registration by March 31.

Roadrunners Donation: District 58 thanks the Downers Grove Roadrunners Soccer Club for once again donating $12,573 to support schools. This funding comes from the Roadrunners’ portion of Grove Express proceeds, an annual 5K event that the Roadrunners co-hosts. This year’s donation will purchase new play-based learning resources for all District 58 kindergarten classrooms. 

Education Foundation: The Education Foundation is preparing for its Select 58 and Distinguished Service Award (DSA) programs. Select 58 will honor 58 eighth graders for service on April 30; applications recently closed. The DSA program will honor exceptional staff on May 6. Nominate a staff member for a DSA by March 21 at 

Annual Surveys: The District’s annual surveys are open. Parents and guardians are encouraged to take the District’s School Environment Survey, which is open now through Friday, March 14. In addition, parents may take the State’s 5Essentials Survey, open now through Friday, March 28. Staff and students in grades 4-8 are also taking the 5Essentials Survey this month. The District uses the survey results to inform school improvement planning. Learn more at 

In Memoriam: Last week, the Kingsley community suffered an enormous loss with the tragic passing of Bradley Burton. Bradley was a third-grade student at Kingsley and also participated in the District’s Grove Children’s Preschool.

“Bradley was a tremendous person who approached each day with strength. He had an infectious smile that will continue to live on at Kingsley. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with Bradley’s family during this difficult time. District 58 extends its deepest sympathies to Bradley’s family,” said Dr. Russell. 

Dr. Russell invited the Board and audience to honor Bradley with a moment of silence. He also thanked District staff who have helped support Bradley’s family and the Kingsley community as they navigate this tragedy together.

Business Report

Assistant Superintendent for Business Todd Drafall shared that this year’s budget is in a good position. He also said that he received a question regarding the status of the District’s federal IDEA funding, which supports special education. He said that IDEA funds were not frozen by the federal government; District 58 is waiting on the State to approve an amendment to the grant submitted by the District in order to submit for reimbursement of expenditures.

Committee Reports

Superintendent Dr. Kevin Russell reported on the March 5 Legislative Committee meeting. The committee reviewed survey feedback from this year’s Legislative Breakfast, and used both the survey feedback and their own experiences to recommend potential improvements and changes for next year.

President Darren Hughes reported on the March 7 Financial Advisory Committee meeting. The committee discussed the District’s year-to-date report, the Five-Year Financial Plan, and the second referendum bond issuance.

Vice President Kirat Doshi and Member Tracy Weiner reported on the Feb. 24 District Leadership Team meeting. The committee heard updates to all five strategic goals. Mr. Doshi and Ms. Weiner shared updates from Goal 2: Connecting with the Community regarding communication tool research and attendance communications, as well as an update regarding Goal 4: Building for Success regarding preparations to move sixth grade to the middle school for the 2026-27 school year.

During the Meeting, the Board Also:

  • Heard the monthly SASED report.
  • Received a public comment from a community member regarding the vacant Board member interview process.
  • Approved minutes from the Feb. 10 regular meeting and the Feb. 24 curriculum workshop and special meeting.
  • Approved all items in the consent agenda, including the administrative appointment of Dr. Gregory Harris to the assistant superintendent for business services position.
  • Adopted a resolution authorizing the transfer of money from the working cash fund to the education and transportation funds, in order to pay bills and obligations. This money will be paid back to the working cash fund later this fiscal year, after receiving early tax revenues.
  • Approved an issuance of notice to reduce one District administrator position as a cost-savings measure, and to reclassify that position to a non-administrative position.
  • Approved a 10-year contract with First Student/First Group of Cincinnati, OH to provide regular student transportation services via First Student’s Westmont, Ill., bus terminal.
  • Extended District 58’s contract with Sunrise Transportation for the 2026 and 2027 fiscal years to provide special education and preschool transportation services.
  • Approved the 10-year life safety surveys proposal from Wight & Company for $103,313.
  • Approved the 2026-27 school year calendar.
  • Designated an elliptical, three treadmills, two rowing machines, step machine, misting machine, two-door freezer and an electric stove as surplus equipment and to be placed on public surplus for auction.
  • Approved project authorizations for Phase II elementary construction work at Fairmount, Indian Trail, Kingsley and Lester.
  • Approved the purchase of Cisco Networking equipment and handsets for $108,779.40 from Summit 360.

To view documents related to the above actions, please view the meeting agenda.

Upcoming Events

  • Monday, April 14 at 7 p.m.: Regular Board Meeting at the Downers Grove Civic Center

District 58 Board of Education members are: Darren Hughes, president; Kirat Doshi, vice president; Nicole Bernard, Melissa Ellis, Emily Hanus, Steven Olczyk and Tracy Weiner, with Dr. Kevin Russell, superintendent; and Melissa Jerves, board secretary.