Board Preview: March 10 Regular Meeting

board preview

The District 58 Board of Education will hold a Regular Business Meeting on Monday, March 10 at 7 p.m. at the Downers Grove Civic Center, 850 Curtiss St., Downers Grove, IL 60515. The public may also view the meeting remotely, via the Village of Downers Grove’s YouTube account. 

The agenda covers many topics, including:

  • A Fairmount School presentation
  • A spotlight on District 58’s five-year financial plan update and the second bond issuance for the 2022 referendum
  • A recommendation to adopt a resolution that authorizes the Board to issue up to $54,005,000 in General Obligation School Bonds for work related to the 2022 referendum.
  • A recommendation to adopt a resolution that authorizes the Board to transfer money from the working cash fund to the education and transportation funds, in order to pay bills and obligations. This money will be paid back to the working cash fund later this fiscal year, after receiving early levy year 2024 taxes.
  • A recommendation to approve the general education transportation contract with First Student for the 2025-26 school year.
  • A recommendation to extend the contract with Sunrise Transportation for special education and preschool transportation in fiscal years 2026 and 2027.
  • A recommendation to approve a 10-year life safety survey proposal.
  • A recommendation to approve the 2026-27 school year calendar.
  • A recommendation to designate an elliptical, three treadmills, two rowing machines, step machine, misting machine, two-door freezer and an electric stove as surplus equipment and to be placed on public surplus for auction.
  • A recommendation to approve project authorizations for Phase II elementary construction work at Fairmount, Indian Trail, Kingsley and Lester.
  • A recommendation to approve the purchase of Cisco Networking equipment and handsets for $108,779.40 from Summit 360.

To view all Board meeting topics, view the agenda.

How to make a public comment during the meeting:

The Board encourages public comment from the community. There will be an opportunity for in-person visitors to make a public comment. Members of the public may communicate with the Board at any time by emailing

View more information about these and all Board meeting topics in the Board agenda at