Curriculum Night rescheduled for Lester and Pierce Downer

lester pierce downer curriculum night rescheduled to sept. 4

Dear Lester and Pierce Downer Staff and Families:

I hope this message finds you well. The school year is off to a great start. I have had the opportunity to visit both schools and would like to thank our staff and families for all the support we have received getting the year up and running. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that Curriculum Night at Lester and Pierce Downer will be moved from tomorrow, Tuesday, Aug. 27, to Wednesday, Sept. 4.

The reason for the switch is due to the weather. This switch is not being made because we cannot have people in the building due to the temperatures. Rather, this switch is being made for two reasons. First, staff will have worked in the building for two days in higher temperatures. As a former District 58 teacher, I can attest that it is extremely tiring to teach all day in the heat (the same can be said for our students). We need to send our staff home after school so they can rest and be their best for the remaining school days this week. Second, we want to ensure we have the best parental attendance possible for Curriculum Night. We know from previous years, that the higher the temperature, the lower the attendance. 

I recognize that this change is coming a day before when Curriculum Night was originally scheduled. However, we must always ensure the forecast holds up before changing. Thank you in advance for your flexibility and understanding. Please note that a normal school day will take place tomorrow and this change is for Curriculum Night only. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact your building principal.


Dr. Kevin B. Russell
Superintendent of Schools