Board Preview: June 10 Regular Meeting

Seven board members standing in front of brick wall

The District 58 Board of Education will hold a meeting on Monday, June 10 beginning at 6 p.m. at the Downers Grove Village Hall. The public may also view the meeting remotely, via the Village of Downers Grove’s YouTube page. Following the meeting, the Village will process the video and send it to District 58 to be posted on the District’s YouTube channel.

The meeting will begin with a closed session at 6 p.m. and the regular business meeting will begin at 7 p.m. 

The agenda covers many topics, including:

  • A Spotlight on our Schools: Strategic Plan Year 1 Update
  • A Spotlight on our Schools: Spring Data Snapshot & Climate Survey 
  • A Spotlight on our Schools: Middle School Construction/Contingency Expenses
  • A report on the June 7 Financial Advisory Committee meeting
  • A report on the May 21 District Leadership Team meeting
  • A monthly report on SASED
  • A recommendation to ratify the 2024-27 Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Downers Grove Elementary Education Association (DGEEA)
  • A recommendation to approve policy changes as recommended by Illinois Association of School Board’s PRESS Issue 14
  • A recommendation to approve the Consolidated District Plan, a routine state  requirement to apply for state and federal grants
  • A recommendation to approve the renewal of Workers’ Compensation, Property/Casualty/Liability Insurance
  • A recommendation to approve Stop-Loss Insurance for Self-Funded Health Insurance
  • A recommendation to approve the Wellness Program, which offers some tweaks compared to last year's program
  • A recommendation to approve a resolution appointing Todd Drafall as school treasurer and a second resolution approving a surety bond for the treasurer
  • A recommendation to approve Professional Learning Mondays for school year 2024-25
  • A recommendation to approve the General Supplies Bid for the 2024-25 school year
  • A recommendation to approve the Art Supplies Bid for the 2024-25 school year. 
  • Approval of a resolution of nomination for membership on the Downers Grove Plan Commission
  • A recommendation to approve the lease of three classrooms to SASED for the 2024-25 school year
  • A recommendation to approve the purchase of Herrick classroom furniture

To view all Board meeting topics, view the agenda.

How to make a public comment during the meeting:

The Board encourages public comment from the community. There will be an opportunity for in-person visitors to make a public comment. Members of the public may communicate with the Board at any time by emailing

View more information about these and all Board meeting topics on the Board agenda at