Board Preview: Feb. 10 Special Meeting

boe special meeting feb 10 2022

The District 58 Board of Education will hold a Special Meeting on Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 at 5 p.m. at Downers Grove Village Hall, 801 Burlington Ave. Current health department guidelines require all attendees to wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status.

The public may also view the meeting remotely, via the Village of Downers Grove’s YouTube page. After the meeting has concluded, the Village will process the video and send it to District 58 to be posted on the District’s YouTube channel.

The primary purpose of this meeting is to consider potential action to authorize suspension of enforcement of certain COVID-19 mitigation measures to the extent consistent with court rulings.

Click here to view the meeting agenda.

How to make a public comment during the meeting:

The Board encourages public comment from the community, and they will likely extend the public comment portion of the meeting from 30 minutes to one hour per Board Policy 2:230. This will allow for more individuals to publicly express their views. 

Given the likelihood that several individuals would like to speak, the Board may have to limit the number of people and the allotted time per comment. Stakeholders are highly encouraged to provide feedback via this Board of Education COVID-19 Mitigations Feedback form. Board members will read the submissions prior to the meeting. Please note: the form responses will be made available to the public so please do not share anything that you do not want others to read. 

Members of the public may communicate with the Board at any time by emailing

View more information about these and all Board meeting topics in the Board agenda at