You're invited: "The Quarantine Parent: The Good, Bad, Worse & Surprisingly OK with Dr. John G. Duffy" on April 29

Downers Grove SD58 News

A special live presentation for District 58 families sponsored by the Herrick PTA

Join us on Wednesday, April 29 from 7-8 p.m. - Watch Live on the District 58 YouTube Channel

District 58 and the Herrick PTA invite all District 58 parents and guardians to a special virtual presentation: "The Quarantine Parent: The Good, Bad, Worse & Surprisingly OK with Dr. John G. Duffy" on Wednesday, April 29 from 7-8 p.m. on District 58's YouTube Livestream.

Psychologist, best-selling author, speaker and national media personality Dr. John G. Duffy will lead a live Q&A discussion on parenting during a pandemic. Moderated by District 58 Superintendent Dr. Kevin Russell and Herrick Principal Amy Read, topics will include:

  • Different types of anxiety 
  • Navigating technology
  • Difficult family situations 
  • Stress and guiding learning
  • Taking care of yourself while taking care of your children 
  • Managing expectations about the future

Dr. Duffy is a clinical psychologist and author of The Available Parent and Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety. He lives in LaGrange with his family. Thank you, Herrick PTA, for sponsoring this special event!

Have a question for Dr. Duffy? Submit it below!