Please take our Remote Learning Survey

Downers Grove SD58 News

Dear District 58 Families,

Today marks the sixth day of Remote Learning in District 58.  As you will recall, the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) provided new guidance on remote learning for this extended period, and we presented our community with our Remote Learning Plan on April 1.

We are asking for your feedback on this plan and your experiences at home; we intend to send out this survey every-other-week for the duration of remote learning to ensure that we are providing support to our families throughout this time.  We also realize that experiences may vary based upon the age of the child(ren) in your household. You are welcome to fill out the survey one time for your entire family; if you prefer, you may fill out the survey once for each child in your household.

Here is the link to the remote learning survey.

This survey will be open through Wednesday, April 22, and we will carefully consider all feedback received through this date. However, if your family is able to respond to this survey by this Thursday night, we would appreciate it! Our next Remote Learning Planning Day is Friday, April 17, and we will review survey responses submitted by Thursday night as part of our planning efforts this Friday. Thank you for your continued partnership and considerable efforts to support your children throughout remote learning.


District 58