Access to Remote Learning Plans

Downers Grove SD58 News

Dear District 58 Families,

Tomorrow is the first day of remote learning in District 58. The documents outlining this week’s learning activities and expectations have been posted on your school’s individual website (this has been done in order to reduce the volume of email messages). Please visit, select “Schools” on the upper left menu, and navigate to your child(ren)’s school. The overview of the week’s activities will be on the home page of each school’s website. While the overview of the week’s plan will be viewable to help families plan and prepare, certain specific activities or links may not become accessible until closer to the day of scheduled instruction. These documents are intended for both students and families. Students are encouraged to open the weekly learning plan on their devices (if age appropriate) so that they can follow along and navigate resources as they become available. Moving forward, weekly plans will be made available for families via school websites each Friday at 4 p.m. for the week ahead.

One component of weekly instruction includes video conferencing via Zoom.  District 58 has established strict protocols and procedures to ensure student safety during video conferencing.  Parents who wish to learn more about how Zoom works can click here for information.  Additionally, we have established “student expectations” for video conferencing; teachers will share these but we encourage you to review these with your child(ren) as well.

For your reference, below are links to documents previously shared:

Finally, as we embark on this new adventure, we rely on your partnership and ask for your patience, grace and understanding.  While this is brand new to all of us, we are excited and proud of the work our teachers and administrators have done to create meaningful and engaging experiences.  We also value your feedback; you will receive a survey on Wednesday, April 15 as a vehicle for the district to receive that feedback. This is a challenging scenario for families, teachers, staff and students alike. We are truly in this together, and our support for one another will be fundamental to the success of remote learning.


Dr. Kevin Russell,
Superintendent of Schools