Student email issue

Downers Grove SD58 News

11:30 a.m. Update:

Dear District 58 Families,

This morning we learned that a service we use to help us monitor student email is experiencing an outage that is affecting all of their customers. This outage is preventing student email from being delivered. We recognize that the timing of this outage is extremely disruptive to the e-learning workflow for many of our students and teachers. The vendor is working hard to resolve this issue, and it appears that some student emails are starting to be delivered to student inboxes. It may take several hours for all emails to be delivered as their system works to catch up. 

In the interim, you can help us by sharing any emails you have received this morning from teachers about e-learning with your child. We have also encouraged our teachers to use alternative means of communication, including Seesaw Announcements and Google Classroom Announcements. If your child’s teacher utilizes either of those tools, please encourage your child to check those applications for any updates.

We appreciate your patience and support as we work through this issue. We apologize for any frustration and disruption that has caused you during a time where we are working through the e-learning experience. Please note, our staff will continue to be flexible in the event a student needs more time to complete any e-learning assignment(s) or activity(ies).

Thank you for your continued partnership,

James Eichmiller, Ed.D
Assistant Superintendent for Technology and Learning
Downers Grove Grade School District 58

Original Message:

Dear District 58 Families,

This morning we learned that a service we use to help us monitor student email is experiencing an outage that is affecting all of their customers. This outage is preventing student email from being delivered. We recognize that the timing of this outage is extremely disruptive to the e-learning workflow for many of our students and teachers. The vendor is working hard to resolve this issue, and our technology team is looking at our options for rerouting student email should this outage not be resolved quickly. 

In the interim, you can help us by sharing any emails you have received this morning from teachers about e-learning with your child. We have also encouraged our teachers to use alternative means of communication, including Seesaw Announcements and Google Classroom Announcements. If your child’s teacher utilizes either of those tools, please encourage your child to check those applications for any updates.

We appreciate your patience and support as we work through this issue. We apologize for any frustration and disruption that has caused you during a time where we are working through the e-learning experience. Please note, our staff will continue to be flexible in the event a student needs more time to complete any e-learning assignment(s) or activity(ies).

Thank you for your continued partnership,

James Eichmiller