Hillcrest embraces Hour of Code

Downers Grove SD58 News

Several District 58 schools participated in computer science activities last week in recognition of Computer Science Education Week and Hour of Code. Hour of Code is a worldwide initiative that aims to get as many students as possible to spend an hour coding in the classroom.  Coding is inquiry based, hands-on and encourages problem solving.

For example, at Hillcrest, kindergarteners worked together to code and create paths/movements on the Box Island App, Daisy the Dinosaur App and Kodable.

Second graders learned about Hour of Code and algorithms as they did an “unplugged coloring activity” to help them understand how important it is to follow commands correctly.  Instructional Coach Mr. Tim Frederickson visited the classroom and had the students program him like a robot!

Meanwhile, Mr. Frederickson also led fifth graders through a mission called “Dragon Blast.”  Using Tynker, students were challenged to code their dragon through 27 levels to get to the treasure.

As you can see, coding is a skill that can be explored and enjoyed by all ages. 

To learn more about this initiative, visit hourofcode.com or csedweek.org.