Get involved! District 58 seeks applicants for Strategic Plan, Board and Transportation committees

Downers Grove SD58 News

Dear District 58 Parents and Staff,

Would you like to get more involved with your school district? District 58 is recruiting new members for several of its Strategic Plan councils, Board of Education committees, and for the Transportation Review Committee. Please consider serving on one of these groups!

The Board of Education approved the District’s Strategic Plan Action Steps in September 2018. These action steps guide District 58 in our pursuit of educational excellence. In the past year, we’ve made significant progress toward achieving our goals, and much of this success is due to the work of our Strategic Plan councils!

District 58 formed several councils last year to accomplish different facets of our Strategic Plan. These councils comprise staff, parents and community members from all parts of District 58. The below councils have openings for the 2019-20 school year, and we invite you to consider volunteering your time for this important work! 

  • Superintendent’s Community Advisory Council (comprises parents)
  • Communications Feedback Council (comprises staff and parents)
  • Curriculum Council (comprises mostly staff, with limited parent spots)
  • Professional Learning Council (comprises staff)
  • Instructional Model Review Council (comprises staff and parents)

In addition, the District 58 Board of Education maintains four committees that provide guidance in different areas of education. The Board seeks additional members (parents, staff and community members) to fill committee vacancies on the:

  • Financial Advisory Committee
  • Legislative Committee
  • Policy Committee
  • District Leadership Team

Lastly, during the August 2019 Board of Education meeting, the District recommended reconstituting the Transportation Review Committee, which will comprise parents and staff. This committee will analyze the efficiency of the District’s transportation program, with a focus on the designated serious safety hazards.

Click here to learn more about these councils and committees, including descriptions, available spots and meeting schedules.

Interested in joining a council or committee? Please complete this brief interest form by Tuesday, Sept. 17. A District representative will contact all applicants regarding the status of their application by Sept. 24.

Interested in District 58 facility planning? Later this fall, we will launch a separate community engagement effort for District 58’s facility planning process.

The District’s councils and committees provide an engaging yet informal opportunity for teachers, staff, parents and community members to provide input and feedback critical to our school district’s success. We invite District 58 stakeholders to please consider joining!

My District 58 team will review applications and select group members in a manner that ensures each group contains proportional representation from our stakeholders. For example, we hope to include two parents from each school within our Superintendent’s Community Advisory Council. If more parents sign up for this committee than allotted, we will first prioritize parents who previously served on the Superintendent’s Community Advisory Council. We will then review the short essay answers and determine placement by interest level, with the goal of including as many stakeholders as possible in this process!

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration. We look forward to working together as we pursue excellence throughout District 58!


Dr. Kevin B. Russell
Superintendent of Schools