Coming full circle - Meredith Williams Foundation supports Fairmount Run Club

Downers Grove SD58 News

Photos feature the Fairmount Run Club.

Colleen Lange enjoyed attending Mr. Jim Williams’ science class while she attended O’Neill Middle School in the 1980s. In fact, teachers like Mr. Williams inspired Miss Lange to pursue elementary education in college and return to District 58, where she accepted a position teaching at Fairmount School.

Years later, Miss Lange had the pleasure of teaching Mr. Williams’ daughter, Meredith, in fifth grade.

“When my family moved to Downers Grove, our daughter Meredith was placed into the caring hands of a fifth grade teacher, Colleen Lange, who was her favorite teacher,” Mr. Williams recalled.

Over the years, seasons changed, students grew up, and Miss Colleen Lange became Mrs. Colleen Brejcha. But Mrs. Brejcha continued to teach fifth grade at Fairmount, and she continued her friendship with the Williams family. When she learned that her former student Meredith had passed away suddenly in 2010, she grieved.

Following Meredith’s death, Jim Williams and his wife (and retired Hillcrest teacher), Pam, started the Meredith Williams Foundation. This organization raises money to support community projects, with much of their financial support benefiting District 58 students.

Last year, Mrs. Brejcha and First Grade Teacher Alicia Micele started the Fairmount Run Club to encourage children to take up the hobby of running. This year, the club grew to 175 students, and PE Teacher Randi Kehm joined Mrs. Brejcha and Mrs. Micele as a co-sponsor.

When Mr. and Mrs. Williams learned about the Run Club, they immediately knew they wanted to give back to the teacher who once educated and inspired their daughter.

“At last count she had 175 participants in the Fairmount Run Club. 175!! Holy heart health. This is amazing,” Mr. Williams said. “What Colleen and these teachers are doing with their own time for the health of our children is remarkable. But the deeper story is how one teacher gave her love to our daughter and now years later, she gives it back.”

This spring, the Meredith Williams Foundation donated 200 customized motivational water bottles and key chains for the Fairmount Run Club.

“We purchased little keychains that hold little plastic feet,” Mrs. Brejcha explained. “Students earned ‘feet’ depending upon the amount of laps they ran this year.” 

Mrs. Brejcha was moved by the Foundation’s donation.

“We are incredibly grateful to the Meredith Williams Foundation for their support of our Run Club!” Mrs. Brejcha said. “I loved having Meredith as a student, and I will forever treasure this donation – it represents the love an angel who gives back to her teacher and school.”