End-of-year greeting from Superintendent Dr. Cremascoli

Downers Grove SD58 News

Dear District 58 Parents,

Congratulations on the completion of another successful and super fun school year here in District 58! It is officially summer vacation, and I want to thank each of you for your commitment to and support for our students’ educational journey.

As a community, Downers Grove is very fortunate to have so many outstanding educators, administrators and parents working hand-in-hand on behalf of our young people. It is truly a family, and our children benefit tremendously from this child-centered, caring approach as well as the supportive community that envelops us all. I am extremely proud of the accomplishments we have realized together.

Throughout the 2018-19 school year, we launched our new Strategic Plan, which guides District 58’s continued pursuit of excellence now and for many years into the future.  As part of this plan, this year we implemented new English Language Arts curriculum resources district-wide, adopted new STEM/Science resources, planned for a pilot of new Math resources, refreshed our 1:1 technology program, and celebrated the continued academic growth and achievement of our students.  We have made improvements to our communication and transparency, and have begun planning for our long-range Master Facility Plan. I know that District 58 is well-poised for tremendous success now and into the future, and I feel very blessed to have been a part of that. Thank you for your continued commitment to and support for excellence in education in District 58.

The 2018-19 school year is my final year serving the students, staff and families of District 58, and it has been a pleasure and a privilege to have been a part of your child’s education.  I have been honored to have served this incredible community and will forever be grateful for the support and partnership of the amazing faculty and staff throughout our schools who have worked tirelessly to guide our students’ successes.  

When I first became District 58’s superintendent in 2012, my family and I chose to live in Downers Grove, and we have loved being a part of this amazing community for the past seven years. We could not have picked a better, more loving and supportive place in which to raise our three children.  Downers Grove will always hold a very special place in our hearts, and we will remember fondly all the memories and friendships we have been fortunate enough to share here together. Our lives have been incredibly enriched by the people and community that make up Downers Grove. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

Have a wonderful summer!


Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D.

Superintendent of Schools