The District 58 Board of Education held a regular business meeting on Wednesday, June 5, 2019. View the agenda and presentation links. Meeting audio and video will be linked here.
Highlights from the meeting include:
Recognition of Superintendent Dr. Kari Cremascoli
The Board of Education formally recognized outgoing Superintendent Dr. Kari Cremascoli for her seven years of leadership to District 58. Several current and former Board members, District 58 parents, and DGEEA President Craig Young thanked Dr. Cremascoli for her dedication, her student-first focus and her tireless work to serve District 58’s students, staff and community.
“Thank you for your seven years of exemplary leadership. You truly put your heart and soul in everything,” said Board President Darren Hughes. “You are truly leaving the district in a stronger place than it was when you arrived.”
“(District 58) is such a great place to send our kids. In the four years we’ve been a part of this district, there’s been so many great things going on, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart as a parent, as a board member and as a community member for your part in all that,” said Board Vice President Greg Harris. “Thank you for your leadership. There are so many things I hope you are proud of, and I thank you for everything you’ve done to help kids.”
Spotlight on our Schools: Strategic Plan End-of-Year Report
Superintendent Dr. Kari Cremascoli shared an end-of-year Strategic Plan progress report with the Board of Education.
- View the Goal 1: Focusing on Learning report.
- View the Goal 2: Connecting the Community report.
- View the Goal 3: Securing the Future report.
- View the District 58 Strategic Plan dashboard.
Spotlight on our Schools: Instructional Model Review Council
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Justin Sisul presented the progress the Instructional Model Review Council achieved this school year. The District 58 Strategic Plan charged this newly-formed Council with evaluating different instructional models, with an initial emphasis on middle school models.
The council comprises teachers, administrators and parents. They reviewed academic research and engaged in meaningful conversations regarding instructional models. They also studied the 2018 Strategic Plan survey results, considered District 58’s curriculum learning standards, and reviewed DuPage County’s middle school configurations.
The council ultimately recommended that District 58 consider the feasibility of a district-wide shift to a grade 6-8 middle school model. They noted several critical organizational, curricular and philosophical areas that must be thoroughly addressed in order to even consider such a shift.
The District’s Facility Planning Council began exploring the feasibility of a grade 6-8 middle school model and intends to incorporate its findings in its Master Facility Plan, which is under development. In fall 2019, the Instructional Model Review Council (along with many other stakeholder groups) will review the first draft of the Master Facility Plan. View the entire Instructional Model Review Council presentation.
Superintendent’s Report
Superintendent Dr. Kari Cremascoli provided the Board with information and updates, including:
- 2019-20 planning: District leaders are hiring and staffing for next school year. The 2019-20 budget is balanced and continues to be refined, and the Board will receive a 2018-19 budget recap and a 2019-20 budget update in July.
- Student assessment update: Spring MAP and AIMSweb results will be shared with the Board in July; the Illinois Assessment of Readiness results will not be available until fall.
- Curriculum update: District 58 looks forward to implementing new science and STEM resources next school year, and teachers have already started receiving training. Math Committee teachers will be piloting new math resources next school year, with the goal of recommending new resources to adopt for fall 2020. The District will donate retired textbooks to “Books4Cause,” an organization that provides old textbooks to underprivileged children in other countries.
- Facilities work: Last month, the District hosted facility community and staff engagement sessions. This summer, the Facility Planning Council will continue developing the District 58 Master Facility Plan. District crews will deep clean schools and perform minor maintenance, painting, mulching and groundskeeping projects.
- Eighth grade promotion: This celebratory event will take place Monday, June 10 at Downers Grove South. O’Neill is at 5 p.m.; Herrick is at 7 p.m.
- Farewell: In her final meeting, Dr. Cremascoli shared her appreciation for the opportunity to serve as District 58’s superintendent.
“I will forever be grateful for the support and partnership of the amazing teachers and administrators throughout our schools who have worked tirelessly to support our success. I know that District 58 is well-poised for tremendous success now and into the future, and I have been very lucky to have been a part of that,” Dr. Cremascoli said. “As a community, District 58 is truly blessed to have so many outstanding educators and families working hand-in-hand on behalf of our young people. It is truly a family, and our children benefit tremendously from this child-centered, caring approach. Thank you to the entire community of Downers Grove.”
Business Report Assistant Superintendent for Business Todd Drafall reported that the District received early tax proceeds in May and in early June, which covered the District’s 2018-19 expenditures. It also received its fourth state fund payment in May, which is earlier than usual. Drafall noted that the June Board meeting agenda includes numerous business-related action items, including insurance approvals, stop-loss coverage, premium adjustments, treasurer’s bond, service and supply bids, and a truck replacement. Learn more about these action items.
Committee Reports: Board Member Jill Samonte reported on the May 21
Policy Committee meeting. The committee worked with Assistant Superintendent for Special Services Jessica Stewart and school nurses to revise two student health-related policies to reflect changes in privacy law (HIPAA and FERPA). The recommended changes would also align with the Illinois Association of School Boards’ (IASB) model policy guide. The Board approved the first reading of the policies and will place them on the July agenda for final approval. Board President Darren Hughes reported on the May 21
District Leadership Team meeting. The team reviewed and discussed the District’s third trimester Strategic Plan progress. Hughes noted that the District made an incredible amount of progress toward the Strategic Plan’s goals this year, and he thanked all staff and stakeholders who contributed to this important work.
The Legislative Committee and the Financial Advisory Committee have not met since the last Board meeting.
District 58 Consolidated District Plan Application Overview
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Justin Sisul presented information on the Consolidated District Plan, the new name for the former Title I Plan.
District 58 annually submits applications to the Illinois State Board of Education to receive grant funding to support low-income schools (Title I grants), professional development (Title II and Title IV grants), English learner and biliteracy services (Title III grants) and special education (IDEA grants). This year, all of these applications were combined into one Consolidated District Plan application, which the District will submit to the State, with Board approval.
The Board approved District 58’s Consolidated District Plan application. District 58 anticipates that the State will begin awarding this grant funding during this summer. View the Consolidated District Plan presentation.
During the Meeting, the Board Also:
- Recognized students who participated on the Safety Patrol and in Herrick and O’Neill spring athletics.
- Approved minutes from the May 13 regular meeting and the May 14 Board tour and PTA meeting at El Sierra School.
- Approved all items presented in the Consent Agenda, including the administrative appointment of Rozana Qirjaqi to the English learning coordinator and teacher position.
- Nominated Board Member Steven Olczyk to serve as the District 58 representative to the Downers Grove Plan Commission for 2019-20.
- Approved a 9.9 percent premium increase for two District 58 employee PPO plans and one District 58 high deductible plan with HSA, as recommended by the District’s Health and Wellness Committee. Memo.
- Approved a contract with CHC Wellbeing to initiate an employee wellness incentive program, as recommended by the Health and Wellness Committee. Memo.
- Approved the purchase of property, casualty, liability and worker’s compensation insurance coverage for the 2019-20 fiscal year. Memo.
- Approved a proposal from Aetna to provide specific stop loss insurance coverage for an estimated $854,122 during the 2019-20 fiscal year. Memo.
- Appointed Todd Drafall to serve as the school treasurer.
- Adopted a resolution approving the treasurer’s surety bond at an annual premium of $12,409 and a limit/penalty of $23,040,030.
- Adopted a resolution to transfer $69,784 from the education fund to the debt service fund to pay for a capital copier lease payment, which is required by School Code to be paid from the debt service fund. Memo.
- Adopted a resolution transferring $56,769 in earned interest from the working cash fund to the sinking fund. Memo.
- Approved a resolution that sets the prevailing wage rates for laborers, workers and mechanics assigned to District 58’s public works projects.
- Approved a contract with Aramark to provide food service management during the 2019-20 school year for a maximum increase of 2.8 percent. Memo.
- Approved the cost for a reimbursable paid lunch to be set at $2.90 for the 2019-20 school year. Memo.
- Awarded a bid for 2019-20 waste removal and recycling services to Flood Brothers for an approximate annual cost of $37,529.10. Memo.
- Awarded a bid for 2019-20 playground mulch installation to Trees “R” Us, Inc. for an approximate total cost of $42,975. Memo.
- Awarded a bid for 2019-20 miscellaneous painting to Allied Painting Services, Inc. for $27,500 and the alternates of $750 for five flagpoles and $25 for each additional doorframe. Memo.
- Awarded a bid for 2019-20 design and printing services to Kelvyn Press, Inc. for an approximate cost of $18,094.06. Memo.
- Approved the purchase of a 2019 Ford F250 truck from Currie Motors through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative contract #178 for $36,576. Memo.
- Approved second readings on nine revised policies: Policies #2001 - Goals & Objectives, #2002 - Organizational Chart, #2020 - Deputy Superintendent, #2031 - Asst Supt for Curriculum & Instruction, #2032 - Asst Supt for Personnel, #2042 - Manager of Business Services, #2043 - Asst Supt for Technology, #5121 - Search & Seizure, #5131.1 - Bus Conduct.
- Approved the deletion of Policy #2030.5 - Controller.
- Received comments from one parent regarding the prevailing wage resolution and summer facilities projects.
Upcoming Events:
- Monday, June 10 at 5 p.m.: O’Neill Middle School Promotion Ceremony at Downers Grove South
- Monday, June 10 at 7 p.m.: Herrick Middle School Promotion Ceremony at Downers Grove South
- Monday, July 8 at 7 p.m.: Regular Board Meeting at Downers Grove Village Hall
District 58 Board of Education members are: Darren Hughes, president; Greg Harris, vice president; Kirat Doshi, Emily Hanus, Steven Olczyk, Jill Samonte and Tracy Weiner, with Dr. Kari Cremascoli, superintendent; and Melissa Jerves, board secretary.