El Sierra adds two Buddy Benches to playgrounds

Downers Grove SD58 News

If you have driven by El Sierra at recess time recently, the sounds of playing and laughter may have sounded even louder than usual, and the reason may just be the recent installment of two Buddy Benches!

The Buddy Bench program was recently introduced to students at El Sierra during an assembly, in addition to two Buddy Benches being installed in both the primary and intermediate playgrounds.  These may look like ordinary benches, but for the students at El Sierra they are a tool for developing empathy and promoting inclusion. 

Started by the local non-for-profit group, Mothers Against Violence in Schools (MAVinS), the Buddy Bench program encourages students to look for other kids who may need someone to play with during recess time.  If a student at recess is ever in need of a “buddy,” he or she can just take a seat on the Buddy Bench; this is a signal for classmates to invite that student to join them at recess.  

This year, the Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club (DGJWC) partnered with MAVinS for their 2019 Community Service Project to fundraise for Buddy Benches at all District 58 elementary schools, in support of the District's social-emotional learning program.

Through their fundraising efforts, they donated 11 Buddy Benches this year, and led Buddy Bench assemblies, with school PTAs, that provided strong social-emotional learning themes! El Sierra's Buddy Benches were generously donated by the Community Bank of Downers Grove and the Mungan Family.

The El Sierra PTA is thrilled to partner with MAVinS and the Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club in helping make sure recess is a fun time for all students!

Contributed by El Sierra Parent Katie Thomas