Join the Instructional Model Review Council

Downers Grove SD58 News

District 58 invites staff and parents to join the Instructional Model Review Council. This new group will address District 58 Strategic Plan Objective 1.2b, which charges us to "evaluate the implementation and outcomes of instructional programming and delivery models."

This group will:

  • discuss educational and instructional environments and delivery models
  • review research and provide initial recommendations around instructional models in District 58
  • specifically discuss and consider implementation of grade 6-8 middle schools, as directed by Strategic Plan Goal 3.1

The Council’s first meeting is Thursday, Feb. 7 from 3:45-5:30 p.m. at the Longfellow Center, 1435 Prairie Ave. Future meetings will be held at the same time and location on March 7, April 2 and April 15.

If you are interested in joining this Council or contributing feedback regarding this Council, please complete this brief interest form. Thank you.