Board Briefs: December 2018

Downers Grove SD58 News

The District 58 Board of Education held its regular business meeting on Monday, Dec. 10, 2018. View the agenda and presentation links. Listen to the meeting’s audio.

Highlights from the meeting include:

Spotlight on our Schools: Education Foundation Teacher Grants

Community Relations Coordinator Megan Hewitt reported that the Education Foundation awarded 18 teacher grants, totaling more than $8,000, to enhance education. Each grant is aligned with at least one strategic goal. View the presentation. View a related news release.

Spotlight on our Schools: Strategic Plan Goal Update

Superintendent Dr. Kari Cremascoli and District 58 administrators Justin Sisul, Dr. Jayne Yudzentis and Todd Drafall shared progress updates related to the Strategic Plan’s three goals: Focusing on Learning, Connecting the Community and Securing the Future. Community Relations Coordinator Megan Hewitt previewed the new Strategic Plan dashboard, which the District hopes will inform the community on Strategic Plan progress, while keeping the District accountable to its goals. View the Strategic Plan December 2018 progress report. View the presentation. View the new Strategic Plan Dashboard.

Substitute Pay Rate Increase

The Board of Education approved all materials in the consent agenda, including a recommendation to increase the substitute pay rate from $105 per day to $115 per day. The District hopes this pay increase will increase interest in substitute teaching within District 58.  Additional information about becoming a substitute teacher in District 58 is available here.   

Superintendent’s Report

Superintendent Dr. Kari Cremascoli shared updates and information on several topics, including:

  • The Nov. 26 Teacher Inservice Day was canceled due to inclement weather. The District is recommending the Inservice Day be rescheduled to Feb. 15. In addition to teacher learning experiences, this Teacher Inservice Day had staff facility planning visioning meetings scheduled. The Facility Planning Council is making up these meetings before and after school this month. Due to this delay, the Facility Planning Council will explore timeline adjustments at its December Council meeting.
  • Schools sent first trimester report cards home Dec. 7.
  • The District recommends a substitute teacher pay rate increase to help address the sub shortage.
  • District 58 celebrated more than 100 students who participated in the PTA Reflections art contest last week. 41 student projects will advance to the next level of competition.
  • The District’s annual parent school environment survey is open through Dec. 21. The State’s 5Essentials teacher, student and parent surveys are open now through Feb. 15. Learn more.
  • Science Fair registration is open through Dec. 21.

Business Report

Assistant Superintendent for Business/Chief School Business Official Todd Drafall presented the Business Report, which includes the Revenue & Expenditure Report and the Monthly Investment Report. He reported:

  • Expenditures are on budget, but revenues are slightly lagging, due to state reimbursements that the District has not yet received.
  • The District received its annual state audit results later than expected. As such, the District‘s auditors plan to present the completed audit and annual financial report during the regular January Board meeting.
  • The District’s newly-formed Health and Wellness Committee recommended the District change its prescription management firm and offer employees supplemental life insurance. Later in the meeting, the Board formally approved both recommendations.

Highland Kindergarten Enrollment Discussion

Superintendent Dr. Kari Cremascoli reported that last year the Board placed a two-year enrollment cap on specific grade levels at Highland School to address the school’s growing enrollment and prevent overcrowding. She said the administration recommends that the Board retain this enrollment cap for the 2019-20 school year, with improvements to the kindergarten registration process. In addition, the administration recommends lifting the enrollment cap for first grade classes at Highland next school year and extending the opportunity for current Highland kindergarten students who are attending Belle Aire to enroll at Highland for first grade. The Board of Education shared their support of the proposed 2019-20 Highland kindergarten enrollment procedures. Learn more about Highland kindergarten enrollment for 2019-20. Learn more about the potential Highland kindergarten lottery.

Committee Reports: Board Member Greg Harris reported on the Nov. 13

Policy Committee meeting. The committee continued its work aligning District 58’s Board Policy Manual with the Illinois Association of School Boards’ model policy guide and recommended the revision of four policies and the deletion of one policy, which the committee deemed duplicative. They approved the first reading of the policies and will place them on the January agenda for final approval. Board Members Elizabeth Sigale and Kirat Doshi reported on the Nov. 28

Legislative Committee meeting. The committee discussed the Illinois Association of School Boards’ 2018 Delegate Assembly and 2019 Legislative Breakfast options. They recommend the breakfast take place a little later in the school year – perhaps on March 15 or April 12 – to give newly-elected legislators time to adjust. Board Member Elizabeth Sigale reported on the Nov. 27

District Leadership Team meeting. The team members previewed the Strategic Plan progress report. Sigale thanked everyone who has worked on the Strategic Plan’s success, noting that a lot of progress has been made. The

Financial Advisory Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.

O’Neill Spotlight The O’Neill Middle School Student Council and Principal Matt Durbala discussed some of the school’s recent achievements. The Student Council led a Pennies for Pumpkins fundraiser and used proceeds for a school beautification project. They are currently selling candy canes and using proceeds to purchase holiday gifts for local children in need. Durbala reported on behalf of the PTA, noting the the PTA recently donated new outdoor benches and courtyard furniture and hosted a potluck dinner during parent-teacher conferences, among many other activities.

During the meeting, the Board also:

  • Formally recognized students who participated in the PTA Reflections art program.
  • Received comments from three visitors.  Two visitors addressed the Highland kindergarten enrollment cap communications, and one visitor inquired about the Strategic Plan’s progress related to arts curriculum.
  • Approved the revision of the 2018-19 school calendar. The revision reschedules the canceled Nov. 26 Teacher Inservice Day to Feb. 15 and uses an emergency day to reschedule the student attendance day to June 6. Learn more.
  • Approved minutes from the Nov. 12 regular meeting and the Nov. 26 Financial Workshop and School Board Candidate Forum.
  • Approved all items presented in the Consent Agenda as presented in the agenda materials.
  • Adopted a resolution to move $643,698 in the working cash fund to the capital projects fund.
  • Approved second readings on 12 revised policies: Policies #4000-Recruitment, #4001-Non-Discrimination, #4001.1-Harassment, #4007-Drug & Alcohol Free Workplace, #4008-Employee Suspension, #4100-Terms & Conditions of Employment, #4121-Substitute Teachers, #5101.1-Age of Entrance to Kindergarten, #5101.2-Age of Entrance to First Grade, #5111-Student Promotion, #6130-Program for the Gifted, and #6135-Accelerated Placement Program. The Board approved revisions to the 12 policies.
  • Approved second readings on two policies for deletion: #4006 - Personnel: Use of Tobacco; and #4141.1 - Personnel: Compensation for Substitute Teachers. Both policies were considered duplicative, and the Board approved their deletion.

Upcoming Events:

  • Tuesday, Dec. 18 at 7 a.m.: Policy Committee Meeting at the ASC
  • Tuesday, Dec. 18 at 6:30 p.m.: Board Self-Evaluation Meeting at the ASC
  • Friday, Jan. 11 at 7 a.m.: Financial Advisory Committee Meeting at the ASC
  • Monday, Jan. 14 at 7 p.m.: Regular Board Meeting at Village Hall

District 58 Board of Education members are: Doug Purcell, president; Elizabeth Sigale, vice president; Kirat Doshi, Greg Harris, Darren Hughes, John Miller and Jill Samonte, with Dr. Kari Cremascoli, superintendent; and Melissa Jerves, board secretary.