Henry Puffer unites for 2018 PTA Jean Pogue Lung Run

Downers Grove SD58 News

Story and photos contributed by the Puffer Hefty PTA

Smiles were abound on Friday, Sept. 28 as the Henry Puffer community gathered together for its 2018 PTA Jean Pogue Lung Run. The sky may have been grey for this year’s Lung Run, but the things we remember are the Puffer blue hue dotting the field and the overwhelming feeling of pride in seeing our little ones give it their all. This fun fall event is an annual tradition where Henry Puffer students, teachers and parents gather to promote the importance of community and the enjoyment of physical health by running the school grounds together. We were proud to see 155 of our Puffer students enthusiastically participate in the Lung Run this year. A few raindrops did not slow our students down, but only made them run faster. Just look at the beaming smiles on these children in the photos!

Jean Pogue, the Lung Run’s namesake, was a dedicated Physical Education teacher at Henry Puffer School for 23 years, and was truly a pioneer in her field of children’s health education. To this day, you can find the now 92-year-old Ms. Pogue out golfing or walking around Downers Grove, actively enjoying her life as she always has. She continues to inspire our Puffer students to live by an honorable code that healthy ways lead to happy days.

For the Henry Puffer community, the Jean Pogue Lung Run continues to be a wonderful way to kick off the new school year together. It is always remarkable to watch students of all ages cheer one another on and to see the students glowing with satisfaction at the finish line. We can happily report that the students of District 58’s Henry Puffer School are staying active and enjoying themselves while doing it. Thank you to all of those involved in making this afternoon a great success and happy memory for the children.