District 58 shifts to a trimester schedule

Downers Grove SD58 News

District 58 is excited to shift from a quarterly reporting schedule to a trimester reporting schedule this school year! 

Last school year, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel Dr. Jayne Yudzentis collaborated with teachers and administrators to brainstorm ways to make parent-teacher conferences and communications more meaningful. This review yielded the recommendation to move the District to a trimester schedule.

With trimesters, parent-teacher conferences will take place before report cards are issued. This will help shift the focus of parent-teacher conferences to be more about student learning, and less about grades. It will also help parents better understand what their child is currently learning and how they can best support their child earlier in the school year.

In addition, a trimester schedule will give students additional time to demonstrate mastery of academic skills before receiving a final marking on their report cards. It will also allow report cards to provide a deeper reflection of student progress.

For the 2018-19 school year, trimesters will end on Nov. 16, Feb. 28 and the last day of school, which will be June 5 if no emergency days are used. Report cards will go home Dec. 7, March 15 and the last day of school.

Fall parent-teacher conferences will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 9 (afternoon and evening), and Thursday, Oct. 11 (evening). Winter conferences will occur Tuesday, Jan. 15 and Thursday, Jan. 17 in the evening. Parent-teacher conference signups will open later this month.

Teachers, staff and administrators look forward to better serving our students through the trimester schedule! Thank you for your partnership in your child’s educational journey.