O'Neill Scholastic Bowl team earns second place in regional competition

Downers Grove SD58 News

O’Neill’s Scholastic Bowl team scored second place in the Class AA State Regionals! Scholastic Bowl is a team-based academic competition, during which students compete to answer questions relating to core academic areas. Nice work to the award-winning Scholastic Bowl team: Zach, Connor, Taran, Sophie, Matt, Leka and Ashley!

"Coach Panico and I were amazed at the interest and commitment of our Scholastic Bowl team this year,” said Desmond Jones, a social studies teacher and Scholastic Bowl coach. “In a contest that only has five per team to play at one time, we had 25 players form four teams, over our eight-match season. We hope that all of these players will continue the academic challenges that this inter-scholastic intellectual activity provides in the future.”