Kingsley receives nearly 400 books from book fair reward, donations

Downers Grove SD58 News

The Kingsley PTA wrapped up its final Scholastic Book Fair of the year during Open House last week.  This twice-annual fair earned the PTA more than $5,700 Scholastic dollars! This reward is accumulated when Kingsley students buy and bring books home with them.

The Kingsley PTA distributed the $5,700 Scholastic dollars amongst all school staff, including the District’s BEST and Biliteracy programs and the County’s SASED classrooms, which are located at Kingsley. The school is using the proceeds to refresh their classroom libraries and resources, with more than 300 titles added after the most recent fair.

In addition, just this spring over 80 titles were donated directly to classroom libraries by Kingsley families who purchased books through the fair and then delivered them to their teachers.

Thank you, Kingsley PTA!