Indian Trail donates birthday bags to help children in need

Downers Grove SD58 News

Streamers, confetti, candles and cake mix packed Indian Trail’s stage today at lunchtime. But the school wasn’t hosting a party. Rather, the Student Council was packing “birthday bags” to help children in need have a happy birthday.

Earlier this month, Indian Trail’s Student Council invited their schoolmates to donate birthday party supplies. Today, they organized the donations into several festive birthday bags. Each bag contains all the main “ingredients” needed for a child’s birthday party. The students will donate the bags to the nonprofit Humanitarian Service Project.

“A lot of the time, the Student Council raises money and donates it to charity, which is great,” said Erica, an Indian Trail sixth grader and Student Council member. “But, this time, instead of donating money, we’re donating birthday supplies, so it’s nice to see how our donation will directly impact some kids.”