Pierce Downer students jump rope for the American Heart Association

Downers Grove SD58 News

Several District 58 schools, including Pierce Downer, are participating in Jump Rope for Heart this winter to raise money for the American Heart Association. According to Pierce Downer PE Teacher Mary French, the school's effort has raised more than $10,000! View Pierce Downer Jump Rope for Heart photo highlights in the gallery above.

District 58 has partnered with the American Heart Association’s Jump Rope for Heart program for more than 30 years. The program offers District 58 a win-win situation: it educates students about heart health, and it provides families an easy opportunity to donate to a great cause.

“I’m so thankful for our partnership with District 58,” said Mary Lou Torrison, youth market director for the American Heart Association. “The PE teachers go above and beyond to teach their kids and families about the importance of heart health and to raise lifesaving funds for the AHA.”

To kick off the program, the American Heart Association shared Jump Rope for Heart information with parents, inviting them to donate and encouraging them to continue the heart health lessons at home. Several schools invited parents and loved ones in to jump rope with their children during PE class. This fun opportunity engaged families and emphasized the importance of heart health for everyone!