The Reading Games is a success!

Downers Grove SD58 News

More than 720 students participated in the Fifth Annual Reading Games on Saturday, March 10, making this year's friendly competition the largest ever!

Each fall, The Reading Games invites third-through-eighth graders to form teams and read 15 pre-selected books from one of two reading levels. During Saturday's Reading Games event, the students answered trivia-style questions about the books.

The Reading Games celebrates the top-scoring teams at each level: The Hillcrest Thunder Books received the highest Level 1 score, and the Highland Rainbow Readers achieved the highest Level 2 score. Great work!

The Reading Games is supported by the District 58 PTA, Education Foundation, Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club and other local groups. Thank you for your support!  Thanks also to the many parents, staff and high school students who volunteered to help make The Reading Games a success. Finally, thank you to all the students who participated in this year's Reading Games. May the books continue to be in your favor!

Photos contributed by the Community Relations Office and District 58 parents