Nearly 70 Henry Puffer dads become Watch DOGS

Downers Grove SD58 News

Henry Puffer welcomed 67 dads and their children to the kickoff of the Puffer Watch DOGS (Dads of Great Students) program last Thursday! Watch DOGS is a national program that invites dads, grandpas and other father figures to volunteer at their child’s school.

“Goals of the program include making fathers more visible in our school, increasing awareness of what is occurring in our school and positively impacting students' lives in the areas of academic performance, self-esteem and social behavior,” said Henry Puffer Principal Todd McDaniel.

During the kickoff event, dads and kids enjoyed pizza, and guest speaker Will Kupisch shared insights on his experiences as a guidance counselor at Downers Grove North and his unique perspective of the importance of positive male role models.

Throughout the school year, the Watch DOGS will each spend a day volunteering at Henry Puffer. Their tasks will include helping to unload/load the buses, monitor the lunchroom, support learning and more.

El Sierra School also leads a Watch DOGS program. Their program launched in 2016 and has seen great success!

Watch DOGS is funded by a Puffer-Hefty PTA donation. Thank you!