Board Briefs - January 2018

Downers Grove SD58 News

The District 58 Board of Education held its regular business meeting on Monday, Jan. 8, 2018. View the agenda and presentation links.

Highlights from the meeting include:

BINA Hearing

The Board of Education held a public hearing to receive public comments on a proposal to sell $2.81 million in bonds to increase the District’s working cash fund. As shared during the November Board meeting, this money would primarily fund construction of a Lester School addition ($2.2 million). The remaining funding would pay for some of the District’s upcoming facility needs.

Four community members commented during the hearing. The Board will vote later this winter whether to adopt a parameters resolution, which would set the parameters for a bond sale.

Learn more about this proposed bond sale.

Spotlight on our Schools: Education Foundation Grants

Community Relations Coordinator Megan Hewitt presented this year’s Education Foundation grant recipients. The Education Foundation of Downers Grove District 58 awarded 16 grants totaling more than $10,000 this fall. Grants fund innovative science tools, classroom libraries, music instruments, PE equipment and more.

View the Education Foundation grants presentation.

View a news release announcing the grants.

Superintendent’s Report

Superintendent Dr. Kari Cremascoli shared several updates with the Board including:

  • Each year, the District makes action goals related to the existing Strategic Plan. Dr. Cremascoli shared the Strategic Goals Action Plan Mid-Year Progress Report with the Board, noting that the District is making good progress on all goals.
  • The District launched its new strategic planning process today. Community members are invited to take an online survey and to attend a community forum to provide input on their perceptions of District 58. The District looks forward to hearing from the community as it plans its future goals. The new Strategic Planning process will help guide and inform the District’s work for the future. Our children are our community’s most precious investment. Their future is in our collective hands, and we look forward to envisioning and planning for that future together. The District hopes to present a final Strategic Plan to the Board for approval in April 2018.
  • District administrators began planning for the 2018-19 school year during winter break. They hope the new Strategic Plan will provide additional insights for their future planning.
  • Mid-year assessments, such as MAP and AIMSweb, will begin this week.
  • The Science Fair is Jan. 20. Science Fair judges are still needed to help make the event a success.

Business Report

Assistant Superintendent for Business/Chief School Business Official David Bein provided the Business Report to the Board. Key highlights include:

  • Revenues and expenditures are generally on target.
  • The State owes District 58 about $785,000. Most of this funding supports special education.
  • The December consumer price index (CPI) will be released later this month and likely will be about 2 percent.
  • Bidding for work related to the Lester addition began today. Results will be available at the February Board meeting.

Board Committee Reports

Financial Advisory Committee: Member John Miller reported on the Jan. 8 meeting. The committee reviewed monthly financial reports, discussed bond issues for capital projects, reviewed long-range forecasting and more. View the meeting agenda.

District 58’s  Policy Committee, Legislative Committee and Meet & Confer Strategic Plan Committee did not meet since the last Board meeting.

Pierce Downer Spotlight

Pierce Downer Student Council Members Connor, Charlotte, Sydney and Gabe shared the Student Council’s recent achievements, including hosting a Family Movie Night that raised $406 to help families in need during the holidays.

Pierce Downer Principal Chris Clavenna and Assistant Principal Mel Sawisch shared that Pierce Downer is enjoying a successful school year. This year, the school started a Read with Me program, which invites young students to read books to therapy dogs. The school also began a Leadership Program that pairs sixth graders with second graders for recess activities.

During the meeting, the Board also:

Upcoming Events:

  • Tuesday, Jan. 16 at 7 a.m.: Policy Committee Meeting at the ASC
  • Wednesday, Jan. 31 at 7 a.m.: Legislative Committee Meeting at the ASC

District 58 Board of Education members are: Doug Purcell, president; Elizabeth Sigale, vice president; Greg Harris, Darren Hughes, John Miller, Jill Samonte and Beth Taylor, with Dr. Kari Cremascoli, superintendent; and Melissa Jerves, board secretary.