Students and dads create snowflake art at Pierce Downer

Downers Grove SD58 News

When Pierce Downer teachers Randi Kehm and Jamie Lindberg discovered a fun snowflake art project idea, they worried it could be a challenge for their second graders to create independently. So, they invited dads, grandpas and other male VIPs to help out.

This morning, the Pierce Downer gym was packed with second graders and their dads. The dynamic duos worked hard to transform pieces of paper into large, 3-dimensional snowflakes!

“We sent the dads a tutorial on how to make the snowflakes last night,” said Mrs. Kehm, “They sure did their homework! A few of the dads arrived this morning completely ready to start creating the snowflakes. One even said he watched the video three times to make sure he understood how to do it!”

Ms. Lindberg said that the activity offered a fun way to include dads in part of the school day.

“There is so much love in our community, so when we invited the dads to participate, the response was overwhelming!” she said. “We have dads, grandpas, even older brothers here today. It’s great to see everyone working together!”

Want to create your own snowflake? Watch Mrs. Kehm's tutorial here!