Pierce Downer donates holiday stockings to families in need

Downers Grove SD58 News

Photos contributed by Anu Fisher and Melanie Jankauskas.

Pierce Downer families enjoyed giving back this holiday season, thanks to the school’s vibrant PTA Service Learning Committee.

The Service Learning Committee recently hosted a Stocking Stuffing Party to benefit Sharing Connections, a local charity that provides furniture and household items to those coping with a crisis.

“Pierce Downer School students and families as well as Pierce Downer neighbors generously donated stocking-sized toys,” said Melanie Jankauskas, a Pierce Downer parent.

Students gathered in the school gym and filled 125 holiday stockings with the donated toys and gifts. Sharing Connections CEO Deborah Rickert joined the students and talked about how the organization impacts the local community.

“We are super excited to bring a new holiday activity to our school this year,” said Jennie Amidei, a Pierce Downer parent. “Education is a part of the Service Learning Committee’s mission, and we found this to be a great opportunity to educate our Pierce Downer students about families in need. Deb from Sharing Connections spoke to the students about the organization and asked them to fill a holiday stocking for the children Sharing Connections serves.”

Thank you, Pierce Downer community!