Parents invited to information sessions on student report card format

Downers Grove SD58 News

Parents can learn about revisions to their students’ quarterly report cards during information sessions this fall. The changes were made last year and are being implemented this fall. The revisions have been communicated to parents and are detailed on the District’s website. The information sessions are designed to provide an overview of the revised format and to provide an opportunity for parents to ask questions.

October 3, 2017 at Herrick Middle School, 4435 Middaugh, Downers Grove

October 11, 2017 at O’Neill Middle School, 635 59th St. Downers Grove,

October 19, 2017 at Hillcrest Elementary School, 1435 Jefferson, Downers Grove

All sessions will begin at 6:30 pm

The revisions were made after a study from the Report Card Committee and input and feedback from parents and staff.

In grades K-6, the revisions are minimal. In grades 7-8, students will receive letter grades in each subject as well as information on their progress toward learning standards. There is extensive information on the website, including sample report cards and resources on the learning standards.

The revisions were outlined in PTA presentations last year and noted at Curriculum Nights this fall. The revisions allow students to be accurately and clearly assessed on achievement toward learning standards at his/her grade level at a given point in time. The documents list specific learning goals at each grade as well as learner behaviors such as cooperation and participating in class discussions.

The report card is only one of many ways teachers and parents communicate about student progress, achievement and growth. The information contained in the quarterly report card ultimately summarizes the information that has been shared with parents over the course of the quarter of instruction. For more information, check out or email questions to

The meetings are for parents only.