Parents invited to talk on how to build resiliency in children

Downers Grove SD58 News

All Downers Grove District 58 parents are invited to a presentation by Noah Rachlin on helping children learn resiliency. Sponsored by Henry Puffer School and the Puffer-Hefty PTA, the presentation will be held Monday, Sept. 25 at 6:30 p.m. at Herrick Middle School, 4435 Middaugh Ave, Downers Grove, IL.

Rachlin will talk about how to help children respond positively to challenge and struggle and how it is important to learn that adversity, challenge and failure is part of the learning process. Rachlin is an educator and researcher whose landmark project "I Can't Do That … Yet," tries to help students see mistakes not as impenetrable roadblocks, but rather as a natural part of the learning process.

Noah’s presentation will share his work and present concrete strategies for helping young people. More on his work can be found here. Any questions can be directed to Katie Hurckes at