Board Briefs – August 2017 Budget Workshop

Downers Grove SD58 News

The District 58 Board of Education held a special meeting and budget workshop on Monday, Aug. 28, 2017. View the agenda and presentation links. Highlights from the meeting include:

Budget Workshop:

Assistant Superintendent for Business/CSBO David Bein presented an overview of how the budget is developed. “The budget is a one-year spending plan, and reflects the best information available at the time that it is developed,” said Bein. The District’s needs and priorities are evaluated, along with the prior year’s actual spending and projected revenue. Both the amount budgeted for a specific area and actual spending may vary from year to year based on the needs of students, staff and the District’s operating needs.

The budget adoption process began on July 10, 2017, when the Board approved a tentative budget, which was then made available for public inspection. The final budget is adopted after a budget hearing where the Board can consider input on the proposed budget. Between the tentative and final budgets, updates may be made with any known changes in grants or other adjustments based on current knowledge. Mr. Bein stated that although there have been some changes, the current budget status is similar to the tentative budget. “I do not expect any material changes to the budget between now and the final budget that will be considered on Sept. 11,” Bein said. Revenue

Revenue is currently budgeted at $66.26 million. There were reductions in projected revenue due to the Illinois Department of Revenue’s projected 25% reduction in Corporate Personal Property Replacement Tax revenue, as well as a reduction in Title II allocation.


Expenditures are currently budgeted at $66.48 million. There has been some movement of budgeted funds from one account to another. Although some reductions were made in anticipated expenses since the tentative budget was initially presented, those offset the revenue reduction rather than the deficit. Reductions included in the tentative budget are:

  • A delay in facilities projects for $150,000.
  • A delay in faculty technology refresh for $150,000.
  • A split payment for ELA curriculum adoption for $90,000.
  • A delay in middle school Chromebook refresh for $75,000.
  • Cost savings due to the implementation of a new telephone system for $50,000.

The net budget shows a $221,000 deficit. An addition to Lester School is not included in the budget. If the Board moves forward with the addition, then an amended budget will be required before the end of the fiscal year to reflect additional funding and expenditures related to the project.

During the meeting, the Board also:

Thanked teachers and staff who participated in the social meet-and-greet with the Board just prior to the meeting.

  • Approved the appointment of four certified teachers.
  • Approved the tax abatement agreement between District 58 and Project Altitude regarding the expansion of an established manufacturing business currently located in Downers Grove. District 99 has already approved the agreement, and the Village of Downers Grove will vote on it in early September.

Upcoming events:

  • Monday, Sept. 11 at 7 p.m.: Regular Board Meeting at Downers Grove Village Hall.
  • Thursday, Sept. 14 at 7 a.m.: Meet & Confer Strategic Plan Committee Meeting at Longfellow.
  • Tuesday, Sept. 19 at 7 a.m.: Policy Committee Meeting at ASC.