Meredith Williams Foundation awards Fairmount $500 in honor of Principal Coglianese

Downers Grove SD58 News

The Meredith Williams Foundation recently awarded Fairmount School with a $500 donation in honor of the school's retiring principal, Tony Coglianese. The donation may be used for art, PE or science resources at Fairmount.

The Meredith Williams Foundation was formed in 2010 by now-retired District 58 teachers Jim and Pam Williams, in loving memory of their daughter, Meredith. Since that time, the nonprofit has raised thousands of dollars to directly support several charitable initiatives, including about 50 different District 58-related programs and services.

“For 20 years, we lived across the street from the schoolhouse (Fairmount), which allowed us to be privy to the educational operation. We saw your office lights on late. We saw your positive interactions with parents and staff, and most of all students,” shared Jim and Pam Williams in the award letter.

“Tony, you are a caring and compassionate man, and our school was blessed to have you as its leader,” the Williams continued. “We wish you the best as you move forward to a fresh chapter in your life.”

Thank you, Mr. Coglianese, for your dedication to Fairmount and District 58! Thank you, Meredith Williams Foundation, for your continued generous support of District 58 schools. Learn more about the Meredith Williams Foundation.