Highland students learn video game design during Coding Club

Downers Grove SD58 News

Highland teachers Cheryl Varys and Beth Jania created and launched the school’s first ever after-school Coding Club for intermediate students last week. The four-day program used the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab’s free Scratch app to provide students with a comprehensive and fun introduction to coding basics.

“We decided to use the information we learned at our District 58 in-service in March to develop the coding lessons,” said Mrs. Jania.

“The students were excited and motivated to learn; they cannot wait to continue next year!" added Mrs. Varys.

Each day, Mrs. Varys and Mrs. Jania taught students a new coding lesson, and students applied their new skills to build their own Scratch game using code.

During Wednesday’s lesson, Highland fourth graders Avery and Payton were both excited to share their learning.

“We’re learning skills to create actual Scratch games, with images and sounds and movements that we’re coding into the system,” Avery said. “I really like the Scratch app because I can log onto it using my iPad or a laptop from anywhere that has an Internet connection and continue working on my game.”

Payton agreed and added that he’s creating a game in which a cat chases a mouse on the screen. He’s coded coordinates and song cues to make the game more dynamic.

“I was really excited to hear about Coding Club,” Payton said. “I did the Hour of Code last December, and this club really expands what we learned there. I want to be a video game engineer or designer when I grow up, so this club is really great for that.”

At a nearby desk, fourth grader Ella shared that she’s enjoying designing her own video game from scratch, literally. She joined the club because her dad works in technology at Downers Grove North, and she wanted to learn more about her dad’s field. Although Ella aspires to be a chemist one day, the Coding Club is making her consider careers in coding as well.

“I would love to learn how to make my own video game or mobile app someday,” she said.

Meanwhile, Ethan, a fourth grader, admitted that he originally wasn’t very enthusiastic about joining Coding Club. But, he’s since changed his mind.

“I’m really glad I joined now!” he said. “It’s really interesting to learn how you can make apps and creating scenes in a game. I want to continue to learn more in the future."