Indian Trail students get creative during Community Day

Downers Grove SD58 News

May 12 was a good day. Downers Grove had beautiful weather, plus it was a Friday! But, for Indian Trail kids, May 12 offered something even more exciting: Community Day.

For one morning each school year, Indian Trail transforms into a mecca of exploration and fun. Instead of attending traditional classes, students can attend a variety of innovative, technical, fun or just silly classes of their choice. Want to learning coding? There’s a class for that! Want to learn how to French braid? There’s a class for that, too.

Community Day annually invites staff, parents and other community members to share interesting personal passions with students. This year, topics included tumbling, metal detecting, coding, cartooning, slime-making, paper airplane making, mini-parachute making, self-defense, drawing, crime-solving with the police, Family Feud, pet safety (with a special guest dog from the humane society!), volleyball and much more!

The classes allow students to explore their creative side, while mingling with peers from other classrooms and community role models. Check out the photos above to see Community Day in action!