Author Fest highlights at Indian Trail and Fairmount

Downers Grove SD58 News

District 58 welcomed six children's authors and illustrators during Author Fest from April 19-21. We captured photos during Kate Hannigan's visit to Indian Trail and Troy Cummings' visit to Fairmount! Both authors were presenting to fourth grade students.

Kate Hannigan, author of the popular Cupcake Cousins series and the thrilling The Detective's Assistant novel, talked about the writing process with students, and answered their many questions. She also shared an important message of resilience ... Before getting published, she received so many rejection letters that, when glued together, the letters totaled 65 feet. To illustrate this, she literally brought all of her rejection letters with her. They spanned the entire Indian Trail LRC!

Troy Cummings enthralled Fairmount fourth graders with upbeat and creative drawing exercises that demonstrated how authors (and students!) can create a story map using visuals. Cummings has written the children’s books, “Giddy-Up, Daddy!” and “The Notebook of Doom” series.

View the photo gallery above for highlights! Learn more about this year's Author Fest.