Lester Environmental Club celebrates Earth Week

Downers Grove SD58 News

The Lester Environmental Club encourages students and families across District 58 to take small steps to improve the environment, especially during Earth Week from April 17-21!

Each day this week, Lester School will celebrate an Earth Day-related theme. On Monday, they promoted electricity conservation -- turning off lights when you leave a room and unplugging electronics while not in use. Today, the club encouraged students and families to walk or bike to school to reduce vehicle emissions. Luckily, today's spring weather was perfect for a walk to school, and many Lester students were up for the challenge!

Later this week, Lester will promote adding board game night in place of TV/iPad time, reducing water usage and packing recyclable lunches. Thank you, Lester Environmental Club, for your efforts to helping the environment! Thank you, especially, to the Environmental Club's teacher sponsors, Ms. Lauren Snyder and Ms. Ashley Brinkman.