Young musicians perform solo band and orchestra pieces

Downers Grove SD58 News

Each year, the District 58 band and orchestra program offers a unit on the preparation and performance of solo literature. Students are assigned a solo piece, and they spend 10 weeks working to carefully prepare. In February, professional adjudicators are brought in to listen to each student’s performance and provide constructive feedback.

“This is an excellent opportunity for our students to improve their individual musical skills, to take ownership of their learning and to build confidence!” said Elementary Band Teacher Christine Kaminski.

This solo music experience took place on Saturday, Feb. 4 for northside students and Wednesday, Feb. 15 for southsiders.

“I’m kind of excited to perform, but I’m not sure what to expect,” said Riley, an Indian Trail sixth grader who plays percussion. Riley added this was her first time participating in Solo Night.

“I’m really nervous, but excited!” confessed Colin, a Kingsley sixth grader who plays the trombone, as he eagerly awaited his turn to perform.

For the first time, the solo program included a short intermission, during which District 58’s music teachers performed! View District 58’s Facebook page (Video tab) to view the teachers in action!