News from Dr. Cremascoli: Opportunities to get involved with District 58

Downers Grove SD58 News

Dear District 58 Community,

I’m pleased to report that District 58 received a tremendous parent response to the Board Committee interest form sent out in November, and the Board would like to invite you to consider joining one of its committees! The Board currently has space available on its Legislative Committee, Policy Committee and Financial Advisory Committee.

In addition to the Board Committees, I would also like to invite you to consider joining the new Superintendent’s Community Advisory Council (more information below) and the Education Foundation of Downers Grove District 58.

If you are interested, please complete this brief application by Friday, Feb. 3, 2017. Applications will be shared with each committee/group for consideration. We hope to add two parent positions to each Board Committee and the Education Foundation, as well as 15-20 parent and community positions to the Superintendent’s Community Advisory Council.

Brief information about each committee/group is provided within the application. To learn additional information, visit the Board Committee webpage and the Education Foundation website. View the below section to learn more about the Superintendent’s Community Advisory Council. Please note: the District also received significant parent interest in the Board’s new Meet and Confer Strategic Plan Committee. At this time, all parent spaces on this committee have been filled via a random drawing.

New: Superintendent’s Community Advisory Council

A new opportunity for parents and community members to more directly connect with district leadership is being provided through the Superintendent’s Community Advisory Council. Starting in late February 2017, District 58 will form a Superintendent's Community Advisory Council. The Council aims to offer another opportunity to foster strong and positive connections between the school district and the community. Led by the superintendent and comprised of parents and other community members, participants will serve as a key voice of the community, receiving and sharing information to build understanding and help all students succeed.


The Superintendent’s Community Advisory Council will meet four times per year: in October, December, February and April. Council members will be asked to send community questions, compliments or concerns to me one week before the meeting, to allow time for my team to review the inquiry and research any needed background information. Each meeting will be structured and include a superintendent’s update, a review of community submissions and occasional staff presentations. The first meeting will take place in late February 2017.


This Council will comprise about 15-20 parents and community members who are committed to the District 58 mission. Our goal is to have equal representation from our north-side and south-side schools, with as many schools as possible represented. If you are interested in applying to any of the opportunities, please complete this application by Friday, Feb. 3, 2017. Thank you for your interest in District 58!

Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools