District 58 invites families of incoming kindergarteners to Kindergarten Readiness Night on Feb. 6

Downers Grove SD58 News

Downers Grove Grade School District 58 invites parents to attend a Kindergarten Readiness Night on Monday, Feb. 6 from 6-7 p.m. at Henry Puffer School, 2220 Haddow Ave. Hosted by the District’s Grove Children’s Preschool, this event is geared for parents with children who will enter kindergarten in August 2017. No registration is required to attend – just show up!

The meeting will feature a Q&A session with Indian Trail School Principal Robin Bruebach and Henry Puffer School Kindergarten Teacher Carrie Murphy. The two will share information on the District’s kindergarten programming and expectations. District 58 provides a traditional half-day kindergarten program in the morning, which covers the entire kindergarten curriculum. In the afternoon, the District offers the fee-based Optional Kindergarten Enrichment and Enhancement Program, or OKEEP, which gives students additional academic enrichment and exploration. This presentation will discuss both the morning kindergarten program and the afternoon OKEEP experience.

The Kindergarten Readiness Night will also cover kindergarten learning standards, as well as ways parents can prepare their child for kindergarten.

Please note, child care will not be provided at this event. The District asks that only parents attend this presentation.

Parents of incoming District 58 kindergartners will also have the opportunity to visit their school, meet the principal and staff, and ask questions during the upcoming Kindergarten Roundup events this March and April. Parents whose children will be five years old on or before Sept. 1, 2017 are encouraged to call their neighborhood elementary school prior to the Kindergarten Roundup for information about registration. The Kindergarten Roundup schedule will be published in early February.

For more information about Kindergarten Readiness Night, please contact Stephanie Worobey at sworobey@dg58.org.

Media inquiries may be directed to Megan Hewitt, community relations coordinator, at 630-719-5805 or mhewitt@dg58.org.