Q&A with Christy Greenblatt, Herrick's 8th grade girls' head volleyball coach

Downers Grove SD58 News

Herrick’s eighth grade girls finished their middle school volleyball careers with impressive stats: Not only did they win the conference championship both years, they maintained a two-year winning record of 26-0! Congratulations, girls!

The team's head coach, Christy Greenblatt, shared insights about your team's success during a recent interview. Read on to learn more!

  1. Can you please share a few reflections about this year's season and your team? 
    We had a fantastic 12-0 season. As seventh graders, we dominated the conference winning every match in two games. This year staying undefeated was more difficult. Several teams showed tremendous improvement, especially Westlake and O'Neill. We went three games with both those teams, but Herrick never lost confidence and pulled out the win each time.
    I attribute our success not only to the teams' athletic talent and many hours of practice time, but also because we always had fun!  The girls truly are friends both on and off the court!
  2. What was the team's biggest accomplishment? 
    Our biggest accomplishment was a perfect 26-0 two-year record. Our best games were being down 20-24 to O'Neill and coming back to win 28-26, and being down 0-9 against Westlake and winning that game as well.
  3. What was this season's biggest surprise? 
    The biggest surprise was the composure and confidence the girls showed in every game.  When we were losing, the team continually encouraged each other and never strayed from the game plan.
  4. Did anything else noteworthy occur?
    It was great to help the girls grow as players from one season to the next.  Last year, I think the team would agree that one player in particular carried us many of the games.  This year many girls made big contributions.  When our best player had a bad game, the rest of the team stepped up to get the job done.